Tanks don't want to rely on healers

It just means making pulls in dungeons will have to be handled differently. Tanks can’t just yeet their bodies into masses of mobs and live through it. All three roles will need to work together better…I like that.


An at level tank with a good group, yes, they certainly should survive.
Solo and alone, no they shouldnʻt survive everything in a dungeon

What an extremely out-of-touch take from someone who has clearly never healed in this game.


Okay, but healers will still have open GCDs to deal damage. And stronger healers will outperform weaker healers in a far more obvious manner, now.

NAH JUST GET A VDH to be the tank they can kite mobs easily. Jump in do massive damage and jump out and kite before Def CD runs out and have everyone run after the mob while trying ot do damage or heal

I dunno I’m at 3k io as a prot pally, resto sham, and windwalker monk

There are only ever 2 times I die which I will explain in a second. But keep in mind this is it seen as a healer and a tank.

When I try to pull to many mobs and I get hit from behind unmitigated and without using a cool down. I fold pretty quick. However this doesn’t happen often.


When a boss has a tank hit in higher keys and I don’t have 2 defensives running. Some times it outright kills me other times I die if the follow up melee hit hits me with little mitigation.

Both situations there is not much a healer could do. And you have to pull this way if you are looking to time high keys.

I actually think it will make it less obvious LOL.

We will see though! :slight_smile:

I mean, if I’m dying and the healer isn’t doing damage, that’s gonna be a pretty obvious indicator, to me.

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It’ll be a lot more obvious when the tank is dead on the floor because the healer couldn’t keep up the tank, and the dps, through massive damage spikes.

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Depends…were you in the fire? :yum:

Edit: This is sarcasm.

I just don’t feel like breaking down variables.

Tank pulls less mobs, other mobs are cc’d, dps uses cd’s, healer presses big heal button.

I donno what to tell you. There are ways to overcome, this is just going to make it to were all three roles can work together better…or at least give them that opportunity.

Where are all these tank changes people are talking about?

Ah. You support it because you dislike big pulls.


The people arguing here and in all the different threads are not arguing from different literal instances.

It’s laughable and absurd to think the stated changes are going to be seen or felt at the “majority level” queue content. The people, like you, crowing that “tanks won’t be main characters anymore” are just flat out stupidly wrong. If I were, today, go run a queue dungeon with those changes in effect, I can guarantee you I can pull boss to boss and not even need a defensive to live. I’m not even tippy top gear level but that content is so far beneath me still.

In mythic+ dungeons, which I suspect you have no practical knowledge or experience with, it doesn’t happen. Even on a non tank character, I can all but guarantee the nonsense that happens in leveling dungeons WON’T happen in the double digit keystone version. The tank may or may not still be an uppity ego monster, but they’re not superman and my actions/inactions can still cost them their virtual life unless they pull super duper small in which case we almost certainly won’t be timing the key.

I’ve already said in other threads I 100% support the IDEA behind these changes Blizzard wants to do. I think the TIMING of them is stupid as it should’ve been changes we seen/expected day 1 of Beta and the actual implementation of the changes isn’t helping the “majority” since queue content levels would need to also be hella buffed for mythic geared players to even begin to take notice let alone actually play around or care about.

And 100% this is going to hurt healers FAR more than tanks…healers who, by and large, are NOT prepared or arguably capable of this sudden expected responsibility.


No…that was given as an example towards somebody.

…the rest of what you said is happening anyway.

So yes.

Nah, it’s the truth. Healers require the lowest amount of true optimization in order to fulfill the minimum requirements that the role entails. It’s the only position that can get by with like 30-40% optimal play at 3k rating. You can have gaping holes in your playstyle as a healer, in ways that Tank and DPS can’t, and still seriously climb, provided you put in the time.

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Tank Tuning in The War Within - The War Within Beta Test - US - Blue Tracker - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

I have no idea if I can poist links.

EDIT: Holy crap I can.

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Okay :dracthyr_shrug:


Glad we could come to an accord.