Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Yes, but there are ways to mix things up that at least keep you engaged and stop complacency.

It feels like boss design often neglects to give tanks more to do than hold the guy in the right spot and occasionally cover for missteps from the rest of the group. Idk about you, but when I tank I don’t particularly like just making out with the boss in question and occasionally mit’ing tankbusters. Not all bosses have this problem, mind, but it’s okay to punish tanks for eating a cheeseburger mid fight, too.

Editing to add something for clarity; I do not think tanking is too easy or that they’re playing on god mode, as some have stated. I just think on bosses specifically, it can certainly feel that way. Depending on the boss.


You can say sorry I’m here to dps, but my Ret pally in my key group does damage and throws off heals at the same time, I would just call him good and you bad, you do you. We’re all different. (There’s a reason Ret pallies are brought to high keys there bud.)

Balance can be focused on M+ without being focused on the prestige range. Which has always been the case and the reason for “meta” comps in those ranges existing for entire seasons or expansions anyhow.


I have experienced both trying to learn healing in Remix.


  1. Tank is so overpowered they donʻt lose an iota of health no mater what happens, they could solo Mythic SoO and here they are strolling effortlessly through Scarlet Halls with me in tow.

  2. Tank is so now underpowered ( fresh 60-70s without good gear) enemy damage just eats right through my fast heals and he dies before i can even finish casting a decent heal.

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Clearly the focus here was on leveling dungeons, because even in 10s and below tanks can and not infrequently do get folded and do rely on the rest of their group.

This is going to have almost no impact on leveling dungeons.

Even Heroics are still going to be steamrolled.

Oh no worries. I was just stating an opinion on this was all.

I tend to like about half the bosses be ones that are complicated and cause anxiety while the others are some tank and spank. It gives a bit of variety to the run. In AV if the second to last boss hit hard on top of the last boss being what it is I might have avoided that place.

True. But it is a reaction to people in those dungeons complaining about tanks not dying, because any content above that, tanks can and do die, and do rely on healers.

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This is an assumption.

I hate bringing it up on these forums because of the perception, but I find it hard not to draw comparisons to FFXIV, where I main a tank.

I feel more involved with the bosses, there. I think a lot of that comes down to the dance pad style of fights they put out, but I’m sure there are more WoW-themed ways to achieve a similar result, you know?

The ‘ease tradeoff’ in that game is that I don’t have as complicated of a rotation, and don’t need to worry about positional abilities.


True, ret pallies have too much sustain. Should give them paper armor and take away their heals, too. They’re harming the trinity dynamic.


tell me you dont play a a tank without telling me you dont play a tank. jesus…what a dumb take


What happens in the 0.01% of keystones ran is irrelevant. There will always be a meta and classes/spec that are more capable than others, no matter how geared or skilled players are, at doing those and trying to equalize classes/specs at THAT level is foolish.

A “15” (more like 10-12 by current levels) is not that. Expecting a mythic geared player slumming it in queue content and them not to treat you all like NPCs is absurd. Their gear and likely skill gives them that luxury.

If this was vanilla, and I, a level 18 whatever, invited a level 60 raid geared whatever for a WC run because they wanted to get some recipe drop off a boss, I should absolutely expect and not get my fee fees hurt because they didn’t ask me for permission to pull Kresh. My contributions are completely irrelevant. At absolute most, I can maybe be of service dispelling something off them that probably wouldn’t matter anyway if I did or not. Just how things goes.

Make queue content have teeth and people in them not grossly overgearing it and watch as, shocker, groups naturally fall in line…just like keystone dungeons are.

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say this louder for the high keys in the back. game should be balanced around the majority.

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They already buffed WoG. They’re leaning fully into the off heal meta, which is weird for PVP.

Well, we better get that changed, then. Otherwise they might accidentally WoG the tank, and that’d be a real problem.

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DPS off healing the tank is like an Affix for them lmao.

I mean, I did say accidentally. I’d never imply a DPS would intentionally heal a tank.

Only a Cuc, I mean Paladin would do that.

I absolutely love this decision. My hope is that it’ll push healers in having to heal more, so tanks and dps will stop telling healers to dps. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: