Tanks don't want to rely on healers

But do you though? healers complain when people die because it’s too hard. Healers complain when they have to deal damage because they didn’t sign up for that.

It’s like people want this role to be able to contribute, but also have its contributions not matter.

As it stands tanks have ALL of the agency that the group contains. They dictate everything. Including whether you live or die if they want to.

Yes. I don’t complain about having to deal damage. I play fistweaver and discipline for a reason.

Honestly the tank change feels like a band-aid to a much larger problem.

That problem being dungeon boss design (I am including specific tuning elements in this, i.e. when a boss becomes “kill or die”). It’s awful. They’re a joke, for the most part. Some standouts really shine, but by and large they’re all tank and spank.

The rest of this isn’t true, but this part is. A tank can probably still decide to aim frontals at the party for the lols or just stop playing halfway through and kill the group if they so choose.

Not sure if I agree with this. In AA tree boss is positioning and than managing CD’s for when adds spawn. Craw is rotating CD’s during every bleed, Vex is primarily a positioning and mechanic heavy fight but he deals a ton of damage on top of it. Last boss is just positioning for tanks as they can survive pretty much anything the boss can do (except maybe the breath I’ve never stood in that.)

This is kind of the design I’m talking about.

Positioning is an after thought, tank long enough and you just turn them around on habit, or tank them in an appropriate spot.

Nah a tank can easily make it hard on one DPS while feeding decent numbers to others. Some specs are going to shine on smaller pulls while others struggle, can make your healer clench all run by ignoring defensives and self heals, can troll with frontals, can pull so much the group can’t handle it, and so on.

Tanks dictate everything in current design and have played with God Mode on for too long. Time to bring them back down to earth.


It’s a never ending tug of war because you have everyone thinking that tanks shouldn’t be focus healed. So like uhhhhh, how can you design bosses to punish the tank if people don’t want to be focus healing the tank? We’re contradicting ourselves, someone is anyway.

Pretty much my point… more or less.

Bosses are ever the least threatening thing for a tank, at least as far as their own agency goes.

That is bullcrap too. As a tank, I don’t control if you use your defensives, interrupt key spells, and dodge mechanics which in actual relevant difficulty levels, plays WAY more into your survivability.

People need to stop thinking that a tank blitzing a toothless leveling dungeon is how double digit keystones get ran. Even on my non tank toons, I can probably count on 1 hand the number of times I actually remember seeing that kind of nonsense. Plenty of times a pull didn’t go like the simulations, and plenty of times I take partial to even full blame, but never is there “lalala imma go run off and solo this instance byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”. Pure and simply it’s just more valuable and time efficient to have all the bodies there pushing buttons than me trying to rambo the entire thing.


Good thing we’re adding the tank requiring babysitting to the equation, then. Lmao


I would love to rely on my healer to heal.

As a tank I didn’t sign up to be a single target healer which is what we are now with the single target being myself.

Personally I would much more prefer my self raw mitigation to require me to never have to heal myself again. Or if when the healer healed man it also boosted my raw mitigation.

I agree with the argument that the tank shouldn’t be able to solo the last 20 or 50% of a bosses health.

How many times have you been running a neltharus only to get to the last boss super low on time. Then the group proceeds to die all except the tank. Now you have to sit there, waiting for the tank to die or win before you can even release because this idiot of a tank wants to prove he can solo a 50% of a mobs hp.

People need to stop thinking that double digit keystones are where balancing and gameplay decisions should be made.

95% of people do not care what your struggles in a 15 are looking like.

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In the same vein, though, they can’t neglect it.

Thats true of pretty much everything in WoW. Put enough time into muscle memory and eventually you don’t need to think about it.

During season 4 redesign this boss caused keys to fail and even after the nerf a lot of dps died. The tanks job on this fight is less about keeping themselves alive and placing the boss and orb spawns in a position where dps won’t get hit by them. Its a good design that gives tanks something a bit different than the rest of the bosses. Adding in big tank hits on top of that and it becomes one of the more difficult bosses like the last boss in AV in season 1 when you needed positioning on top of taking breaths that would one shot tanks without mitigation.

But granted that might just be a difference between personal preference or if we play at different key levels what mechanics effect us.

I mean they’re actively buffing spot healing and off healing. If you got a good group, they can help, this stuff all isn’t predetermined in a vacuum, it depends on your group there.

Plus they’re just buffing healing in general to compensate, plus more health, plus they’re easing on tank CDs. There’s too much doomin’ in here.

They actually should because it’s where the decisions actually matter.

What matters to a tiny minority of players does not matter to a huge majority of players. This is a perfect embodiment of the “main character syndrome” that people have been pointing out in this thread.

That would be anti-trinity. Sorry, I’m here to DPS.

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About 25% of accounts on Wowhead did a +2 or higher this season. The vast majority aren’t in content that even has a fail state. Balance for dungeons needs to be focused on M+ otherwise you run into situations where you get nonsense conclusions like Hunters being unkillable because they can have their pet hold aggro on two mobs and slowly clear a normal dungeon.