Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Yep, just make tanks immune to death.

Bam, everyone is happy, tanks aren’t being babysat, they can do huge pulls, they don’t have to rely on their healer, everyone wins.

As I already said, that was a bad thing. Blizzard should not repeat that again by making that problem the new tank state. Though I admit I fail to see how the current change helps, when you still deal with the DPS imploding as well as the tank now.


They’ll just die from aoe damage, like everyone else lol.

No need to worry about pesky stuff like Shield of the Righteous, Shield block, iron fur, demon spikes and whatevers.

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Tanking was never about doing damage, that is the dps role. The issue is that the self agency that tanks had reduced the roles of healers and dps to a certain point. Blizzard now is trying to bring that back in line so that other roles maintain their spot in the trinity. With the changes now healing will be more intensive and dps will have to push harder before heals and the tanks give out. It is a team effort with every role having to increase output.

All I know is the first few weeks of dungeons and such are going to be brutal if people are not prepared for this change.

Because they know thier ideas are bad and are afraid that they will be recognized in game and have players pointing them out.

“Oh hey, theres that guy i saw in the forums who thinks ,<insert silly idea here>… yeah, I dont want them in my raid.”

As for my take on the subject of tanks needing healers:

In a dungeon, normal to heroic at least, A decently geared tank should be able to squeeze by clearing a trash pack or 2 with maybe less than 50% of their life left with no help from a healer, maybe more if they wisely use their mitigations. Chain pulling more packs or taking on a boss should defiantly require some outside aid.
Just my opinion of course.

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Why stop there?

Dying isn’t fun, why should the game have it? Why is Blizz so anti-fun?

They’re not immortal, but they objectively don’t need healers currently with a few exceptions. You just have to be very smart with managing your active mitigation/big CDs in order to live scarier pulls/damage events.

The first pull in Atal’dazar last season in the highest keys involved doing three trash packs with Bloodlust and having your healer (a Resto Druid or Disc Priest) play Shadow or Balance for that pull and for Rezan and the tank relied exclusively on incidental offhealing like Nature’s Vigil or Vampiric Embrace and living through the damage with their cooldowns. At that point it was just a matter of killing the mobs before the mobs would kill the tank.

If a tank dies in a dungeon right now, it’s literally always their fault unless there’s some stop that was missed that directly threatens them. And here’s the thing: I think the game’s better that way, because tanks should have the agency to dictate how fast the dungeon goes.


yeah, and let’s make sure we let DPS like us fire mages have unlimited heals too so we can stay alive, and give healers equal DPS output since tanks get limitless heals

this way everyone’s happy and no one needs to rely on anyone! yay! to heck with teamplay!


That’s a great idea. Everyone should be immortal.

We don’t need healers at all because for healing to be fun, people need to die.

With that in mind, everything will now be a timed encounter because everyone will die due to deus ex machina.


Healing was never about tanking, but now it is.

DPS have to do more DPS, they don’t have to go do something else to generate mana for the healer. The tank doesn’t get to do something that increases damage mobs take. Only the healer gets far more sway over specifically the tank’s capability to perform their role. That isn’t a trinity, that is bad design.



Why rely on others?

Why are unfun aspects of the game like dying even in the game?

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? You had to heal tanks in ancient times.

Does that count as “tanking?”


I like the idea of shifting some of the load onto off healers aka DPS. I mean I see what Blizzard is trying to do conceptually and I can jive with it.

It’s bads and solo players who are sweating and crying and rolling around.

Tanks have the largest contributing factor to how much dps tends to get done lol.

It’s called pull size/planning around cooldowns.

Just 2 different tanks with the same rest of the party in the same dungeon can produce wildly different dps numbers.


All those bad players like some of the top DKs in the world? Also I like how often you result to insults, as though you think criticism about a bad change is the equivalent to a temper tantrum.

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What should healers be needed for then? If neither tanks nor dps need heals, what purpose do they serve?

Nothing, and that’s the fun part.

Who actually likes healing anyway?

Well nothing can change your mind so you’re just as bad honestly. You keep going too. I’ve been constructive, I dunno what you’re trying to do anymore, convince everyone what Blizzard is doing is bad? Wow good for you.

Sounds like you should find another game then. :slight_smile:

Me. Any further ridiculous questions?

This is hyperbolic nonsense. In queue content, which I’m strongly suspecting you stick to, a geared player (not even necessarily a tank) is going to blitz that dungeon and invalidate you no matter what simply by the strength of their gear alone.

Once you go to actual real content levels, like say double digit keys, tanks aren’t these invincible juggernauts and depending on the skill and gear of the group, will either pull slower what they know they can reasonably handle or, more likely, pull “big” where the onus very quickly falls to the entire group to work together to keep each other, including the tank, alive and in those kinds of pulls, it literally can take 1 mistake to wipe the entire group.

I know when I pug, my first pull was generally very big but not completely absurd since that is when most people knew/expect and pop cooldowns accordingly. If that went fine, we continued on a flex case based around my personal survivability CDs or what I knew the others had.

If that first pull went ok but sketchy, we went at the pace purely around what I knew I was surviving with 0 input on the healer (not that I expect much anyway). I only pull extras if I felt it was reasonably safe and that my actions alone wouldn’t lead to extra deaths.

If the first pull went horrible. We just did 1-2 packs at a time and any bresses were reserved for someone competent. The rest could run back since they were a liability in my eyes anyway. The goal was just to get through and done.