Tanks don't want to rely on healers

So, cute little passive aggressive sarcasm aside, it is a team game. It just isn’t a fun team game when the healer is spamming a single spell into a single healthbar while said single healthbar sprints for his life from a single trash mob.


And by it, you mean specifically the tank role. The tank isn’t getting to do more damage, or better group healing. DPS aren’t getting better healing, they and tanks are having group healing reduced and personal healing reduced. As a tank, I don’t get to use sunder armor and be able to decide whether or not I want to let my dps get a damage boost. It is purely that tanking is becoming a group effort in content with one tank, so a direct reduction in agency to give that instead to the healer, who currently has to handle that as well as massive spike damage groupwide.

Would we be so lucky.

Nobody made that argument here. Tanks being able to tank without constantly being babysat by the healer isn’t “they can solo every single thing” it is “they can handle their dedicated role.”

And they already do, without changes that make tanking awful.


Almost like, that’s a request for more in-depth single target healing spells?

Like healers already use 5? 6? different ones.

You should try gearing a healer in Cata pugs, you’ll probably understand why they’re doing what they’re doing.

The tanks in Cata are in oldschool mode, relying on healer and there is nothing the healer can do for the tank if the tank sucks, the healer could spam their strongest heal and the tank will still die if they’re bad.

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Healers do heal tanks. They just don’t need to babysit them currently. And healers need to keep DPS alive. The DPS is there to kill enemies because tanks and healer damage output isn’t super high. That’s how it works currently. What we’re regressing to is SL S1, which was an awful experience for both tanks and healers.


I have never tried healing to be honest. Not because I may not like but out of plain pettiness. Used to be when someone found out you played MMOs as a female the assumption was that you were a healer because women liked nurturing things. So I only playing tanking classes or ranged DPS in games.

I was really trying to understand their point of view but…the gymnastics required to justify “leave us superior tanks alone, we don’t need YOU” is just dumb.

“dps need the healers, and healers need to heal dps”… but us tanks? we don’t need you. Like…what? LOL.

If you don’t like that tanks job is to pull aggro and maintain it and damage off the team…then don’t play a tank?? LOL.

But the answer is not for tanks to be a one-man show…completely defeats the point of it being a team activity…


Healing tanks is a waste usually. They only need like 2 heals per minute if even that.

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Yeah, because they’re modern WoW gamers who don’t know any better.

The job of tanks is to do those things, which requires them to be capable of staying alive. If that is removed, and tanking becomes little more than being a glorified target dummy for the healer, I and likely a large number of others won’t play tanks. Queue times will go up, there will be a tank shortage, and it will be due in no small part to gutting the function of tanks across the board.


The job of tanks is to do those things, which requires them to be capable of staying alive. If that is removed, and tanking becomes little more than being a glorified target dummy for the healer, I and likely a large number of others won’t play tanks

I say, we make mobs so weak, so people only need tanks for positioning purposes.

And in the process, tanks will need slightly more healing than a dps, but they literally will not be in danger of dying outside of tank busters.

Oh, and tanks will practically not need any self-healing.

“There will be a tank shortage”

Oh well, join a guild. Same answer as it’s always been. Time to actually put up or shut up.

The role of the tank is NOT to stay alive, the role of the healer is to KEEP you alive as well as the DPS… your job is to maintain aggro and keep damage off the rest of the team so that the healer can heal and the dps can do damage…

Your misconception of thinking that a tank should be able to maintain aggro/sustain limitless damage without healer assistance is unfounded and does not support the concept of the trinity. At all. This is literally how guild wars 2 was built and even then, people need to specialize and state their “role”…

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An augvoker log juicing the DPS is probably not the best example to use.
Seems a bit more honest to me. You’re still doing about 60% of the full DPS class.

Read the part that you typed and I bolded and think really hard for a second. Is that an inescapable part of the game, or a development decision?

That was actually a very good and self introspective response, and not something I’m used to this deep into a thread. So let me start with that compliment.

Threat right now is very easy for tanks, should it be? You’re worried about being a target dummy. Part of the reason for this is you don’t need to fight for threat. Damage isn’t MANDATORY, but it helps it make sense in a RPG format. Tank damage, as you might imagine since you’re doing around 60% of a full dps, has a threat modifier. Holding threat is dependent on that modifier more than the actual damage, which is there more for cosmetic reasons.

That’s where we are missing. I’m on the philosophy. If people say tanks are getting crushed I’m not going to stand here with hands over my eyes and say everything is fine. That’s where I’m always coming from so when I say something, see it as a problem with development decisions and not “UR RONG LOL.”

Oh there’s a tank shortage? Make friends, network, connect, talk, join a guild, you know the drill, no excuses.

Tank enjoyment is not contingent on them dying, so I say, we take tank dying out of the equation.

Now, mobs tickle, tanks don’t need defensives. And they don’t really need healing either (or slightly more than the rest of the group.)

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If you took all healing and mitigation from tanks, they would still have the most agency in any group. Saying they have no agency is laughably hyperbolic.


The role of the tank has been to stay alive for the past 4 expansions at least. You get assistance from the healer, but you are not reliant on them to function.

I appreciate that when you can’t make an argument, you rely on blatant trolling. Tanking is fun currently when you have agency and are able to push yourself. Being reliant on the healer at all times to keep you up is the opposite.

They wouldn’t. They would have the role of getting hit by mobs, and healed by the healer, without any meaningful skill expression.


Why do tanks complain when defensives are nerfed then? Has it EVER been well received?

I say, let them be immortal. (Outside of stuff normal dps might die to.)

Tanks don’t want to die, so I say, they should not die.

No need to worry about pesky defensives anymore.

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Tanks and DPS have had all the agency in DF the entire time, healers have been solo Affix artists the entire time lol, aka Affix slaves.

Yeah lets go into it over agency. Healers couldn’t even keep a DPS up for the entire DF expansion lol.