Tanks don't want to rely on healers

This doesn’t make sense, so DPS and healer should depend on each other but tanks should be able to do everything on their own? 2 parties need each other and the tank but the tank doesnt need the other two parts of the party? That seems like a terrible game design concept.


All this changes is that tanks need more healing on bosses and have to actually pay attention on bosses at all content levels and also can no longer use DPS trinkets.

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I’ll gladly take the blame for tank deaths if it means I don’t have to play constant 10%-90% whack a mole healing with the dps health bars.

I mean, if that is the goal they may well succeed. But I won’t be tanking if my job is to be a very weak dps spec who the healer funnels into. At that point I’ll just DPS so I can have a role that functions fully on its own. Or play a different game.


Tanks love their main character moment and will often drop a key from a 3 chest to a 1 or 2 just so they can get one as the last person standing on a 5 minute pull that could have been broken into two 1 minute pulls.


Currently you still have to do that as well.

Just reroll DPS, wtf is wrong with you. If you don’t like Warcraft, you don’t like Warcraft.


But that’s literally the role of a tank.

And has been forever, and even now, tanks aren’t up to par compared to a dps.

That’s because the dungeon tuning hasn’t happened yet. If blizz doesn’t do that M+ is going to suck regardless of tank healing.



The buffs to Frost are looking pretty sick, and juggernaut DPS like ret and dk also get to basically be immortal and have a bulky fantasy. I’m not attached to the tank role specifically, it’s just very fun right now in DF. It’s very possible that the changes push me off of the role entirely, and I won’t feel like I’ve lost much from that.

While in the past, it made sense to have tank healing be a reasonable gate, in the current content ecosystem, where tanks need to be the ones routing and pulling runs, I will not put up with my survival being in the hands of my healer’s ability to read my mind when it comes to pull cadence.

I also LOVE riding the edge with mitigation, and knowing that my moment to moment play is keeping me alive. The sheer joy of playing a draintank and living global to global, is totally nuked if I’m reliant on my healer.


I enjoy tanking. These changes are a step towards Shadowlands’ first season, which lead to me not playing as it was not an enjoyable experience. Not wanting the game to be worse isn’t having something wrong with me. I like this game currently, I hope that Blizzard does not choose to remove the parts that make it enjoyable but if they do, I will unsub and do something else. Currently, I am voicing criticism against a bad change.

Currently, the tank is capable of sustaining itself primarily on its own, fully able to hold the focus of mobs and live without depending on someone else to do half their role for them.


Right now, it’s like 80/20, you need healers healing anyway. I don’t see the issue in increasing that.

You need healers for pain points. You don’t need to be babysat, which is the current goal and direction of these changes.

These changes hit live servers in under a week. It is Thursday, and goes live on Tuesday. There is 0 chance that any amount of appropriate tuning happens by then.


It seems they have just shifted it back to how things worked in the past to me. The healers will not always be the blame in the case of any failure because everyone has their own damage mitigation cooldowns. People will need to use all the tools they have and pots/health stones. It will become more of a team effort, which who knows how this will play out. It could be Cata 2.0 where people refuse to change and everything gets nerfed.

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Season 1 and the new M+ dungeons don’t come out until 9/10. Blizz has nearly 2 months to tune those dungeons.


The only thing that remains constant is healers complain because people don’t like healing, and don’t want to play something else that isn’t healing.

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Tanks still need damage from the DPS and -some- assistance from the healer. They should be mostly self sufficient for their own survival though, yes.


This is possibly the single worst WoW take of all time. The argument that “tanks are only fun if they can solo every single thing in the game” is the mentality that’s been ruining WoW for years. I am so proud of Blizz for finally realizing it and nerfing tanks across the board. They are actually cooking so hard with War Within. I agree with Blizz that tanks should have agency to make their own decisions and be able to survive if the healer is dead/busy for a little while but the second the meta becomes not running a healer to do more damage the whole system is broken. I quit doing M+ in DF because I love playing healers but hate being forced to just be a 4th DPS since the tanks are invulnerable and all that matters is damage. With tanks finally being brought in line Blizz can do back to M+ and fix the healer gameplay where all that matters is doing damage. I want healers to actually have to heal again. If M+ was balanced correctly healers should be spending 60-80% of their time healing and the rest doing off DPS or crowd control. Not 90% DPS and 10% everything else. Blizz is cooking and you aren’t going to stop it, they are on the correct path.


I disagree that tanks should need help from the dps. I also disagree that dps should need help from tanks or healers.

And healers also shouldn’t need help from other roles.

The concept of needing to rely on other people in a group is terrifying. What if they suck and don’t know how to play?


So should dps be able to pull off agro and kill.mobs on their own mostly?

Should the healer be able to pull aggro and keep themselves alive trough healing?

Tanks should depend on the other parts of the party, both healer and dps, otherwise why have said roles?