Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Not just tanks. Healers too. This change also raises the importance of healers with heavy externals vs healers with low/no externals.

I guess they will tweak the numbers but as a healer it’s nice knowing the tank can self sustain and you just have to worry about the dps. Lets us have more fun in keys with being able to toss a few extra dps spells in. I healed during the old days of just toping everyone off and that was the main function. Don’t wish to return to those days. It was very dull playing a healer in dungeon content.


Reinforcing healers healing all players, not just themselves and damage dealers because the tank is an immortal god, is not reinforcing the group dynamic of tanks tanking, damage dealers dealing damage, and healers healing? Next you’ll tell me the sky is green…

Sorry not sorry you’re not immortal gods among ants anymore. Boo hoo, you actually have to play the game instead of deathballing the entire dungeon solo.


If you think tanks are immortal and don’t need healers currently, you are only doing very easy content.


They need healers far less than other expansions did.

Tanks already don’t do high dps and haven’t since what legion with the vengeance mechanic. We tend to do about half as much as a dps. Complaints about dps normally come from problems keeping threat. With that said maximizing dps is something a good tank should work on because even though its not as much as dps its also not negligible.

As far as sustain and self healing those are the two ways tanks survive damage and depending on the tank their ability to do either changes drastically. BDK is horrible at mitigation but amazing at self healing on the other hand monks suck at healing but mitigate like a champ. This is the main core of tank play without this what is tanking reduced to?

My question is what do you think the role of a tank is? To simply position mobs and than act as a healing dummy target for healers? I can’t say I’ve ever seen that be the main reason to play a tank.

Its not wanting to have a cake and eat it but dealing with actual problems on the beta and not just an uninformed opinion you have. Its clear though you haven’t played or watched the beta because its not casual friendly. You get wipes because of a single missed kicked, missing any defensive CD’s on tank busters (which deal 90% of your health) will kill you on the following auto attack when you don’t have enough mitigation to cycle through them all. Or the affix which is spawning in area of denial effects and causing wipes even through mitigations. Or bosses just flat out killing tanks on pull even through defensive’s. Or using a healing defensive like renewal and than having to check the ability because it didn’t even register on your health bar because it was negated by the next auto attack. As it stands a casual pug group is going to have a hard time clearing +4’s.


Oh man how I miss the days when I could trust that Blizz would actually accomplish their tuning goals in M+


but that’s exactly what a tank is?? that’s what the “holy trinity” is…

one person does the damage
one person does the healing
one person does the controlling of the mobs

when you start blending the lines between the 3 roles…you have guild wars 2…not saying that’s a bad thing? but it’s just not what WoW was fundamentally based on…

Wikipedia defines a tank as:
Tank characters deliberately attract enemy attention and attacks (potentially by using that [force them to be targeted to act as a for teammates. Since this requires them to endure concentrated enemy attacks, they typically rely on a high health pool or support by friendly [healers] to survive while sacrificing their own damage output.


Tanks have never been defined as controlling the mobs, unless by control you mean to force them to attack the tank. That isn’t thier core function.

A tank is a character whose primary purpose or class role is to absorb damage and prevent others from being attacked.

Heck its in the name. What is a tank in the real world a heavily armored vehicle that can withstand more punishment than anything else on the battlefield. Its where the name was adopted from.

But that aside it doesn’t have anything to do with the very real issues live on beta where tanks simply can not survive even if played perfectly. They swung way to far in the direction of taking survivability away from tanks and putting it in the hands of someone else who still has the rest of the party and mechanics to deal with.


Tanks should not have to rely on a healer to survive for sure. It makes pugging extremely difficult and stressful as a tank when there isn’t a level of consistency in survivability.

It’ll push tanks to finding and sticking with reliable healers and will make pugs wait forever to try and find a tank willing to take a risk on a healer they don’t know


From what I see, tanks are forced to do it. If they do not a dps will just do it for them complaining they are going too slow and make the job harder.


I hadn’t thought of that but yes a nerf to tanks is also a nerf to healers.


I hear this a lot from tanks which I completely understand but there a difference between a tank that blindly pulls and one that pays attention to their group.

As a tank and a healer I disagree. I also don’t understand why y’all have to post this stuff from level 10 alts.

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Tanks #1 job was originally to hold aggro. #2 was to be survivable. What is the point of taking damage without the core ability keeping mobs from attacking team members? There was a reason no one wanted a pally tank in vainilla, they did not have a taunt when a dps or healer pulled aggro. I also do not recall tanks having this many damage reduction cooldowns. Back then a bad tank was one that could not hold aggro.

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Indeed that is why I listed making mobs hit the tank as one of the two core functions of a tank. The ability to mitigate damage without making them hit you to use it defeats the concept of forcing them to hit you. But taking full damage when they pound on you also defeats the core concepts. You need both.

Threat really hasn’t been an issue though for quite awhile, which is why I didn’t focus on it. If it does become a problem they can change the threat coefficient or increase a tanks damage.

why so much fighting, can we get along…

Tanks will enter this expansion feeling weaker. What a treat. Was really excited to tank but now I’m not so sure


100% this.

Id be 100% happy if the game changes enough to where healers could go back to just healing and not be a wet noodle of back up dps also.


One expac of tanks being poorly balanced demigods didn’t sway you, why would a second?

Tanks had balance issues but at least every tank was functional on its own, instead of being the focus cast target from healers as their primary role. And, Shadowlands swayed a lot of people to not be playing the game, don’t forget.