Tanks don't want to rely on healers

Awful. Go play Classic if you like this playstyle.


And then there’s newbie healers who don’t want 100% of the focus to be on them.

I’m a newbie healer, I’ve only healed a handful of Heroics and to be honest, the idea of the burden falling upon me is not fun. At least before, a tank could keep themselves alive if I had to look away from him because DPS were being stupid…

That, and some tanks? Dear God, even after I got high enough to get into Heroics, I could dump spell after spell after spell on some of these 1200k+ tanks and their HP bar barely budges.

I’m supposed to keep that alive?


If you don’t have beta you can watch tanks wiping on twitch. Right now there are tanks being one shot. Damage on average pulls is wild with tank regularly getting hit by trash for 20%-50% of their health in a global all while dps health is still getting hit for massive amounts. If timers are not adjusted we are going to have to kite multiple packs anytime dps CD’s are up. It looks like S1 shadowlands all over again.

Just watched a BDK get globaled on pull with rune weapon up on last boss in SoB. 123 death going into last boss. The dot is hitting dps for 3 million health (so much for no burst damage on dps.) And BDK is one of the better tanks.

Watched a bear get hit for 70% by a single web bolt. With a double pull using beam with incarn up and spamming FR he did 59 million healing and still died. And when renewl was pressed he had to look to see if it was even used. It took 3 keys to make it to the first boss only to find out subjugate hits for 90% of your health and is magic so you end up not having enough defensives to rotate for it.

When it comes to pallies the nerfs are unfun because you can play without any misplays and simply run out of options. Oh also you can’t ignore any mechanic as it will kill you like you were a dps.

We have to remember after 2 months these dungeons are still vastly overtuned. We can expect tuning for this to take several moths at least. Its going to be great for the memes.

As a side note I think the worst part of the changes is that its much harder to tell who messed up. In low content bad tank are going to blame healers and bad healers will blame tanks, and the real fault lies on dps who didn’t kick. Its going to be a spicy couple of weeks.


How can they not see that this BS is simply not good?

Like how did this get past any team of testers or QA?


I sincerely doubt that. Spamming your hardest hitting heal into a single green bar isn’t exactly engaging gameplay. S1 SL was like this, and it sucked.


Blizzard: “Welcome to WoW, where group content is built around the trinity of tank (damage taker), dps (damage dealer), and healer (damage healer).”

Tanks: “Can tanks just not need healing? I’d rather speed run and leave my group behind.”

Listen to yourselves.



You’re kinda forgetting about the whole thing that healers don’t like the stress of machinegunning their heals, either?

I wanna heal, and maybe do a little damage on the side, and not be in full panic mode every second I’m in combat.



You’re kinda forgetting that there’s a middle ground between being in full panic mode to keep a tank alive and having an indestructible tank who doesn’t need you or the rest of the group for that matter.

I wanna heal a tank that needs healing, and to keep the dps up when they need it, and to do a bit of dps on the side if nobody needs healing. I don’t want to just follow an indestructible tank who doesn’t care if we’re there or not.


Have you seen any of the reports from Beta?


I mean, I want a middle ground too, but Beta is certainly NOT that.

And before anybody says “It’s BETA!”

… it’s five days away.

It’s safe to say that 99% of what we see on PTR, is what we’re getting next week.


Then do harder content. The content you do a DPS can tank lol.


Tanks are getting globalled in Beta.

Tanks. Not DPS.


Yeah but they aren’t going to hit any sort of middle ground doing content where you can have a Mage tank lol.

Exactly. Im split atm should I suffer as healer but on the other hand so will tanks… decisions…

You have no clue what the actual topic or arguments around said topic are and probably should not be participating in the thread.

I think most of those here wish you wouldn’t, so please do us all a favor.

You should probably read what was posted before jumping into something that is only going to make you look like a clown.

Projection, much?

You jump into an on-going thread, and post some nonsense drivel trying to puff your own chest out and quite frankly you look like an idiot, and nobody wants to hear it.

Again, I’m giving you a chance to actually READ. You can keep digging your hole though, it’s fine with me lol.

I did read your posts, and they have exactly nothing to do with the thread.

Your argument was about “content that DPS can tank” … well, DPS can only tank Normal and Heroic dungeons if they grossly out-gear them.

But then the same could be said about mythics, too.

“A middle ground can’t be had in content that over-geared players can steamroll over”…

uh, what does that have to do with tanks being killed within a GCD and that damage done to tanks is absolutely ridonkulous now?

So you didn’t read, ok lol.

If the argument is that tanks don’t die, the obvious solution is to do content where tanks CAN die, especially when the comment is coming from someone doing content so easy that a DPS can tank it.

Like I said, you should have actually read, now you just look dumb.


That’s a really common response, and common isn’t necessarily a good thing. I think it’s a relatively cheap and sloppy way to look at group content big-picture.

Group content should be meaningful, engaging, and should reflect the proper relationship between tank/dps/heals at every level of play – at least in PUGs. Lower level players and players new to the game need to have the same meaningful group experience regardless of the difficulty level.

Making the top-tier content meaningful shouldn’t mean making lower level content a chaotic, meaningless mess.