Tanks aren't welcome in this company's games. THANKS FOR THE NERF I GUESS?

Good, not even tank players like other tank players.

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I mean… uh… I like @Annastasi

Balance of tanks and obvious design philosophies that span across multiple titles.*

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Balance of WoW tank classes has nothing to do with balance of anything in Overwatch or any other Blizzard title.

If Blizzard changes this it’ll be a bug fix. Demonic Wards double dipping is broken, this isn’t a nerf.

Also have you noticed the Pelagos final trait was causing increased magic dmg taken? That already has been fixed so those VDH (and other tanks) who are Kyrian are getting ~6% extra magic dmg reduction now.

And yet you’re still here.

I think we need to start a counter on how many times you said you hate the game and/or going to quit but never actually follow though.

The more probable reason is they want you to get you hooked on lootboxes. :money_mouth_face:


Then you should have made that your title instead of the clickbait one you chose.

That wouldn’t fit his mo

Has nothing to do with it?


I mean if I buy a computer from a company and it’s broken I’m generally not going to be too apt to buy a laptop from them and trust it’s not going to have similar issues.

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So are you ever going to address the multiple times you’ve made a post declaring that you’ve had enough and you quit?

yet… here you are.

so which is it? are you quitting or are you just clickbating the forums?


I was smiling before I even clicked the thread because I knew what waited.


Is this your first time in a Preheat thread? If it is… be on the look out for the OP 1. claiming to be a new player (for the past 5+ years), 2. the OP to attempt to link Apples and Lettuce in some of the most comically bad comparisons ever made, and 3. The most important… he will stand his ground… on top of a hill all alone… You will ask yourself eventually is he trolling or is he serious?

Sarama knows… many others know… it isn’t a sunday without a Preheat thread.


you’re not.
you quit.




Learn better analogies.


You can call up and get a refund or try to chargeback on the credit card. How is this comparable to Tanks?..

I mean, you just told her that something she said has nothing to do with it (Tanks i’m assuming your talking about), and in the same comment, you told us something that has nothing to do with it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That would be like if i make a thread about Rogues and how unbalanced they are, and i use US Politics for an analogy.

More fake outrage. It’s obviously a math bug.

You’re very aggressive towards me and I don’t think I deserve it so I’m really feeling uncomfortable and just going to block you.

Sorry you’re just genuinely making me feel very uncomfortable right now with this level of hatred.

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Does this “outrage” physically exhaust you? What do you do in your free time other than WoW? What kind of food do you like? I’m genuinely curious what motivates people like this.


Talk about preheating some irony.

/The Entire stadium crowd booes at Bari.

But how’s Vhx being aggressive to you? She just told you to learn better analogies because comparing broken computers to tanks don’t make sense. Maybe if you’re talking about games, then maybe, but this topic is about Tanks.

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Oh No!


I’mjust confused what makes anything ironic? I’m just feeling really uncomfortable that people are being so hostile and hateful towards me so instead of engaging and trying to explain (which usually leads to a forum ban) I’m just going to block people now.

Plus even spending the amount of time to debunk these wild hateful theories on me is inordinately larger than than amount of effort to make these mean comments.

If I’m uncomfortable I’m uncomfortable and I don’t get how that’s ironic.

You don’t see me here ripping others down or trying to make them feel bad. I build others up, I don’t rip others down. That’s not who I am and I choose to surround myself in love and positivity.

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