Tanks are completely broken right now in PvP

I saw one of those last expansion. :thinking:

You’re taking PVP advice from people who have Combatant experience on every other toon on their account expect for bear (and just recent XP on that).

At some point enough fuss will be raised where bear goes back to being played by e-girls getting RBG boosts from lonely dudes. Until then, anyone with half a brain knows they’re stupidly broken. They were tolerable when they were super hard to kill–because tanks should be, but now their damage profile is off the charts.


Haha a man of wisdom. :rofl: :joy:
Those lonely hearts.

But on a another note, It would be cool to have decent list of spells and abilities which counter the bear druids. There are a few, and when to implement them.

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A bigger bear.

A different game?

There’s always a bigger bear.

I wonder what the guardian vs guardian fights look like.

Does the rest of the team sit back and watch the titans duke it out? Like if you’re captain america you should not step into a fight between two hulks. You’ll just be collateral damage.

My guess is they would both pop Sleeper and then stand there staring at each other… according to most Guardians on the forums anyway.

Damn that sounds exhilarating

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I think tanks should be able to beat all melee specs in 1v1, assuming = gear/skill. and tanks should lose to all ranged specs in 1v1, assuming = gear/skill. That’s how I would personally balance it.

100% I do in fact cc guardians during sleeper. Unlike the rest of the mouth breathers on the forum, I learn and adapt.

I cyclone them in BGs to try and stop people from getting PvE’ed.
You would be surprised how many players will keep slamming buttons on them through 3x cyclones.
Well, maybe not if you are queueing into the games I am getting.

If you suspend the belief that someone can win a fight there is no reason to have it…

They say WoW is not balanced around 1v1 the problem is with modes like Solo Shuffle the need starts to arise for WoW to be balanced around 1v1.

Paper, Rock, Scissors balance only works in a game where 1v1 competitions don’t occur or rarely occur but in modern WoW this is far from the case.

WoW has actually created open world PvP gear rewards… This implies that all scenarios are on the table from 1v1 to 1v10 and this is condoned by game design…

The reality is the goal should be for a DPS, Ranged and Tank class to have a 50/50 shot at killing each other…

The only difference should be how they go about it IE: Kiting, CD baiting, Attrition etc…


Actually agree with this. Tank should be considered sort of the raid/instance boss of the BG - get a few DPS together to try and take them down.

Easy fix-

Get RID of all tanks in pvp.

Make 99% of wow population happy in pvp.
Piss off the 1% sadistic kids who play tanks.

Easy fix, clap.


It’s still not that bad, I think I get a 30k shield that seems to proc often


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Tanks are OP


Druid tanks are about to tank some nerfs.

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won’t change much - just going to take a little bit longer to 1v3 lol