Tanks are completely broken right now in PvP

I was so excited for PvP this expansion but the first 2 BGs I’ve played are filled with tanks. They are doing WAY too much to the point it must have been obvious during beta

Top Damage. Top Healing. Just so much pressure and generally speaking 1v1 unkillable

Extremely disappointed


you got no pvp gear my level 60 shaman could kill you


meh I just queued as Guardian and got near top damage and I think 3rd in healing (first time playing Guardian) so yup it isn’t tanks that are OP it is my terrible gear

Geared tanks will clap anyone not in pvp gear (and so will everyone else at 411 item level)

Everyone except fury/arms warriors can casually ignore tank damage and self sustain through it once geared. 90% of tank damage and healing is padding since:

  1. Their healing is self healing - why are you focusing the tank?
  2. Their damage is consistent and offers very little pressure outside of cooldowns.

Outside of interrupts/CCs , there’s really not much happening. If you’re angry you’re not topping the leaderboards - scream at your team to stop attacking tanks


ur a natural :yum:

Your 40% bg win rate however, that would suggest u lyin :eyes:

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Tanks or Guardian Druids? Don’t just lump the entire role together if it’s only one spec out of line. Should we nerf all DPS because of DHs?


lol dude is flexing pretty hard and exposing my scrub 40% win rate…as if I care or even if that has any type of meaning

BG win rate doesn’t mean a thing…It can be heavily influenced by the players on your shard…

Guardians are the most broken of any of the tanks but tanks in general hit too hard for their survivability in PvP. It’s one thing to have a protracted fight with a tank that could go either way but in the current game even in full 411 a tank can and will drop a full on burst rotation that will nuke you very quickly which shouldn’t happen.

Tanks in PvP should be line breakers/ CC heavy to set up players for DPS and flag runners not top DPS/kills and heals…


I duo q with a 80%+ win rate, idk


we also play terrible classes

Once again it can be heavily influenced by your shard, if you play with premades, if you are a healer… goes on and on.

For as long as tanks take this extra 50 or 60% increased damage (whatever it’s up to now) and can be nuked in a CC themselves, I see no issue with them being able to return the favor every so often.


You also leave losing bgs lol.


Since when lol? There’s several loses on there

I literally lost 2 bgs, today

If that were true then sure. Try to burst down a Guardian Druid and then get back to me.

Everyone (except Blizzard, apparently) knows Guardian is busted. It needs to be addressed. They are an outlier, however, not the norm for tanks.

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If you can kill a Tank in 1v1 then that would be unbalanced. At no point should 1 Dps ever be able to kill a Tank much less bring them below 60% HP. Good balance would be needing at least 3 Dps to kill a Tank solo and it should be difficult.


If the tank couldn’t kill a single DPS then yes…If the tank can burst down a DPS then no… It doesn’t work like that…You cant get a free I win 1v3 card because you change over to a tank spec…


That’s called good balance and Class fantasy for an MMORPG.

Of course a Tank should hit really hard. They are a Tank and hardened by relentless battle. That is why you should proceed with caution and get friends together before attacking one.

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The only way tanks should be played in pvp is as comic relief. When you queue as a tank, your gear should be replaced with a clown suit.