Tanks are completely broken right now in PvP

I dont know what to tell you- ive been destroyed by fury and havoc demon hunters through my CDs. In your case it actually is a get good issue ;/

Wish people know how the game works before talking about it.

Tanks take 60% increased damage in PvP from all sources. That’s why they get hit the hardest of any spec. Honestly this needs to be looked at and reversed because it’s too much.

I saw all the bear guardian druid fuss so decided to level one with heirlooms… Almost unkillable 1v1, feel like a raid boss, top dps, top healing.

It is OP but its a good counter to the OP Hunters

Glad to see this is popular on the forums, but why has the WoW team not fixed this already holy crap. This has been happening for YEARS. They should play their game some minimal amount so they can actually realize how broken this garbage is.

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https://youtu.be/mo9PRdbv8ec Just leaving this here…

So, should I have said 90% increased damage then? Because I wanted an additional (increase) of 50%. Which means 60% plus another 50% to a total of 90%. Is that unreasonable?

Wish people didn’t jump to conclusions and before talking about it.

Yes! How can Tanks be competitive if they die in every stun lol. Just stop you have no idea what you are talking about. The reason why Tank healing is so high is because we are so squishy compared to Dps and have to heal back the burst we receive.

If Tanks weren’t so Squishy we wouldn’t heal for so much. The extra damage needs to be reverted by down too 30% or give us some mitigation to deal with it like we used to have with our old Honor PvP talents like Soften Blows.

Right now most Tanks aren’t viable with the 60%. They weren’t viable when it was 50%. You just don’t want Tanks to be competitive and we need MORE Tank participation not less.

Most Tanks need buffs.

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I like how your casually ignoring the Gdruid casually soloing 2-3 players in the video linked.

Keep trying to convince people that tanks need buffs bro rofl

You’re basing your judgement off a video that’s shows a top 1% PvP Druid. Someone in the 3k ratings showing highlight clips?! Do you know how many clips I could find of locks, demon hunters, monks, etc doing the same? Can’t really base is off that. It’s a highlight clip for a reason.

:joy: lmao yes basically

What is actually kind of sad is there is a video of a potato spec, instead of some finesse sick plays with a more complex one. Like there always was in the past.

I mean I’m sure guardian will get some kind of nerf by start. I’m just curious as to what.

I’m basing my judgement from the video and literally playing my Guardian Druid right now in BGs causally destroying half a 10 man team solo spamming a couple moves…

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yes they are but you are best off using twitter @warcraftdevs they dont read these forums anymore

Haha! potato speccin the levelers down using grandfathered gear in the lower brackets.

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I think op meant bear tanks are op. Because the other tanks get blown up quite easily.

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Alright, im on team gut bear into being unplayable. I figured I’d give it a shot, not attacking during sleeper. Bear instead just solo’s me instead as I sit there watching him do it because the way to counter them is to not hit into sleeper. Really hope blizzard destroys this spec. :smiley:

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I was looking more into what people were screaming about. I thought it was just people killing themselves to sleeper - turns out moonfire + arcane ring can crit nearly 100k and it can proc to be spammable. That honestly needs to be nerfed into the ground. Bears shouldnt be critting any higher than 40-50k and this is coming from a bear

sleeper is not the issue for bear lol. they do plenty of damage outside of that.

and either way it increases their survivability a ton. you either attack them through it and no nothing, or do nothing and do nothing.

Guardians are the most busted but I’ve seen prot warriors doing a lot of damage. I haven’t seen the others enough to judge