Tanking services

Then you’re an a**, simple as that really. Tank isn’t particularly fun, and if you expect them to run something they don’t need to run for free, just so you can have a geared player rushing you through content you’re insane.

If you don’t want to pay them, then don’t. There are people that will (not me, I don’t trade gold; but I’ve no issue with you taking items I don’t need) and they don’t need the insults. We’ve already got a lack of tank issue enough already rn.


But people are less likely to part with something they already have, than with something that hasnt even happened yet. This would make it even harder for me.

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Your asking people who have already been waiting around, to accept that for the next hour and a half they won’t make any gold, probably lose gold at the end due to repairs. For a 6% chance at something
Putting down 3-5g. And still recouping costs and repairs threw loot, and the chance at the item they need
They can sh


I don’t expect them to run something they don’t need. But I think charge for tank is scummy and will expose it and mocke about it.

When I say that I will insult them?

Give each person a choice. Trash gear, or gold up front.
Different players prefer different things. Either way, tanking is a service in classic and should be viewed as such. Tip’m.

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people that don’t care - that need quests done, or specific drops etc will be fine with it

the people who call you names will obviously always be around though

whatever works for you, im sure solo grinding as prot for gold isn’t fun.

What do you think mocking is? You’re teasing/making fun of said tank, that’s effectively insulting their previous statement.

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This is the best way i can make gold right now…and its not consistent at all. At least you can pickpocket brd (solo) and potentially do dm tribute runs. I cant do anything solo :frowning:
Am i not allowed to make gold for my time?

Edit: i cant level mining either because there are literally no nodes to level from in the world.

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I feel you on that as a healer. I rely on my professions, 'cause smite spamming and going oom as holy is heavily inefficient.

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He’s just suggesting that you might get better results by charging a flat fee instead of demanding all the greens/trash drops, and I agree with this.


i don’t know about this - i mean, i could care less about crap i can’t use - it’s why folks greed on that stuff and no one cares who wins it if no one needs it - these un-needed things going to a tank for hire would be a fine trade IMO for getting a tank to join the group.

the other 4 can probably solo farm gold if they absolutely need it

most people don’t run max lvl dungeons in pugs for gold afaik

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Everyone runs dungeons for different reasons tho.
Sure maybe theres an item I want, but it’s such a minor upgrade I don’t rly care.
Maybe one of the group is a casual and just wants to farm gold three dungeon runs, or just relax with a friend after work.

You have to convince four people to give up everything. And not everyone’s reason for running it is aligned. Charging a flat fee is more agreeable with a wider audience

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Yeah but charge gold for runs is scummy in my book. You try to claim the first orb on strat live? that’s like 25g+ per run and its socially more accepted.

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But im not charging gold…

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eh, i think most run dungeons for specific gear they want - which is not what the tank for hire is asking for.

Well, you still have a chance for orbs afterwards. As well as that, the tank can pass on the next orb for the other 4 members to roll fairly. They just ask for the first win. Not too unfair, as you were already going to have a 1/5 chance of getting it anyways.

this applies to all the greens, un-needed blues as well - the same math is there for what the tank for hire is suggesting he gets.

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I prefer the flat fee, usually the unwanted stuff doesnt cover my usual fee. And as for which will get you more customers, just offer both since everyone has a different opinion on whats fair.


At least on my server, usually is first orb for tank then RR (with the tank included)

It’s not nice imo
Should I ask for money to heal you? Or should the mage ask for money to give you food if you are in a group? Or the rogue ask for money to sap the mobs?
Play your role. If you dont wanna do dungeons because you done it 1000 times then dont do it