Correct, but obviously you discount those and fling them on the ignore list.
Completely agree that a large portion of the DPS player base is over compensating for the fact they know their role is basically being a NPC to be carried by the tank and healer, by trying to pump a chart
So many posts in here proving OPs point lol
Good job on proving the dude’s point.
Game should just auto-mute all the dps once the key starts.
Yep…and then DPS start pulling additional mobs so they can pad the damage meters. A lot of the time they pull stuff when my AOE stuff is on CD. It’s really annoying.
Well, you are in luck, they just nerfed everything.
I played the first 10 years of the game. From the tail end of Vanilla - mid Warlords. I was my guilds MT on my pally from TBC-mid Cata when we recruited another one and I swapped to my bear. And finished Cata-mid WoD when I quit. I came back to a very different game yet familiar role/atmosphere.
I figured a few things out over my years of tanking back then.
- Don’t tank pugs
- Don’t tank pugs
- Don’t tank pugs
- Don’t tank pugs
- Don’t tank pugs
In all seriousness…I don’t have the mythic experience that many tanks in here have, nor the experience that many think is needed to speak about tanking. But I do know this. Outside of leveling and the rare times I play when I don’t have guild members on I never pug as a tank. It’s not worth the hassle. If I see a group of friends or guild members are on and they need a tank I’ll log my pally and join them.
Three big reasons why a lot of tanks don’t pug anymore.
- Egos - to many DPS think they are the dung. They think they are the best thing ever. They think they need to OMGTOPDPSMEETEROVERALLTHESCRUBS they don’t think they need to do mechanics because if they die it’s obviously the tank or healers fault….not the fire they are standing in. Or the pack of 10 mobs they pulled because they wanted AOE DPS numbers and either the healer couldn’t keep up or the tank couldn’t gather them all up before they ROFLSTOMPED them to the ground. Or we had to make the instant decision to pull agro off the healer instead because they dumped all their CD’s into the face puller.
- Rudeness. I can’t even begin to count how many times I was told I sucked because I was waiting on the healer or had one of my kids come ask me a question about school work mid instance. Or how many times I’ve seen DPS yell at one another because they were doing low DPS and get mad when a kick didn’t go through. People forget little if mythics a lot of people are there are either new/gearing/learning just like they were.
- Too high of expectations. Many times a lot of DPS think they deserve special treatment and they deserve to have a tank in their group on a RWF level of tank. But they don’t think they should play at that level. They wont kick/do mechanics but expect everyone else to. They also expect to be carried and if we call them out they try to kick us.
Here is the thing. Many people will say “have you thought maybe YOU’RE the problem/maybe it is YOU who sucks” and 7/10 times this will be said from a DPS who hits all 3 from that list. But riddle me this. Why is it I can tank for 2 hours in groups of friends and guild members not have a single issue, not wipe unless we try to push ourselves and pull more and more till we actually do die. Not have a single ego get hurt because some “easy class” beat someone on the meters. Not have a singe poorly executed mechanic. But the moment I am in Grim Batol and a DPS gets knocked off the ledge by the dragon and dies its MY fault? When I ask a DPS to stop pulling because myself or my healer needs to catch our breaths, I/we are scubs and deserve to die for wasting their time. And yes I have been told to kil myself because I asked for 2 mins so I could grab a bandage and put it on my chills toe. Why would we want to deal with that?
You find real fast that the more you abuse your key roles in a group the less and less you have them available. The longer and longer your queues will be. And those tanks you abused are chilling with their friends having fun and chilling in discord making jokes. We tend to forget this is a game. It is meant to be fun and shared with friends. Unless you are one of the top 1% of the game stop acting like a jerk. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a beer…or a Capri Sun. And no, Leagohlass/Moonpie/RatchetHatchet/*insert some random moo typo name for a Tauren who thinks they are original, if you are queuing and you’re playing WITH me you’re not even top 30%…sorry to burst your ego bubble butt you’re not.
They need to and I think they are looking at the entire trinity system.
I play a tank to be tanky and not squishy
You can’t have patience in a mode that has a timer and kills your key after 1 wipe. Blame Blizzard, not the players.
I 100% agree with this. There is absolutely 0 reason to not have super linear dungeon design in a timed mode. It just over complicates things and punishes people for not going to 3rd party websites and having a map open on their second monitor or phone.
2/3 of your complaints have nothing to do with tanking. Talk about hyperbolic.
I like bigger numbers because it’s fun. I feel like you’re digging a bit too deep into that.
like i say about work irl
it’s not the job… it’s the ppl
Yeah out of all the dungeons to complain about routing, Stonevault is not it. Probably one of the most straightforward ones actually.
So his experience is invalid because he hasn’t done the keys at a level acceptable by you?
His argument is invalid because 2/3 of his complaints have nothing to do with tanking. He included dps fighting with each other as one and dps blaming the healer for the other.
Seems like a playerbase issue rather than a design issue. M+ has always been a toxic wasteland when it comes to pugging due to ego, so from your post I reckon its sticking to the norm.
So you’re having a good time tanking in M+ so far?
Absolutely, even as a pug.