The reason tanking is not fun anymore, is because even if you’re strong enough to pull 2-3 packs, you often have no choice but to slowly pull 1 pack at a time, because your group cant handle 2-3 packs at a time.
You have to be able to take criticism as a tank, you just have to. I know it’s hard getting flamed and getting insulted in group and there is no excuse for it but that is what the ignore feature is for and if you look at it in a more positive light, what’s better than instant criticism? You always know what you did wrong because everyone points it out, use it and grow from it. Most dps never get criticism and never improve, start taking all that frustration and throwing it at keys. Always be improving friend, that’s the key to success.
I know I’m about to be flamed for giving positive advice but thanks for reading.
I don’t grow from criticism. I like to be told the things I do well not the things people perceive to be a problem
Fun being subjective, I enjoy tanking a lot. Sure sometimes it goes bad, sometimes groups don’t click, sometimes I get flamed over a mistake I made. With experience over time, I don’t take it personally anymore. I ask myself if it’s valid and a learning moment for me, and if so I commit it to memory. If not? Meh. On to the next pack or key.
Tanking should be easy like DF season 3. Imagine making a limited role even more limited at below the max reward levels.
I rarely see direct criticism to tanks or healers. In my experience of running groups and basically since MoP as DPS only it’s the DPS in a rush that drives the tanks (and the rest of the group) crazy.
DPS somehow need to have some responsibility, they don’t realize that tanks and healers are playing a completely different game.
Honestly, maybe we just need enrages back or something to that affect, pretty much nothing else doesn’t just become a tank and healer problem - the M+ timer might enourage better dps, but realistically it’s just pulling bigger and struggling to survive it, the death timer is also more or less a healer problem.
Maybe all avoidable damage just needs to oneshot, and then maybe we can make the a game a little less hectic and chaotic in the same breath.
I’ve probably ran over 1000 M+ dungeons since legion and this doesn’t happen
That has to be literally the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Let me make sure I get this right…. You pull 3 packs that everyone else in the group knows not to pull. You want to be praised for holding agro up to the point where it wipes the group?
Granted, I’m a scrub, barely into 2300s this season and rarely over 3000 in the past, but I agree with the OP. The toxicity may be lesser for the high end folks, but in the mid range, it’s enough that if given the option between pugging and just not tanking keys, I’d just not tank keys.
The trick to tanking is to never run your own key and just brick other people’s keys when they turn toxic.
Most people don’t learn until they get hurt. So teach them a lesson.
Plus you can get an instant invite to whatever key you want to run next.
What needs to happen is players like dps and healers need to be put back into their roles and let tanks do there role because half the dps cant even do the damage they should must less anything else like interrupt cc or mechanics same with a lot of healers also they will have never healed a day in their life and jump in M+ like im going to learn to heal today to get in a group faster lol
My mains a Druid tank and I’ve pushed high keys.
Ugly is the norm. It’s been like this for far too long.
Is why you’re recommended to find a clique or guild of players that’ll be patient and treat you right.
I am leveling my tank, but once I’m ready for M+, I’m finding a permanent group and cordoning myself off from public use lol.
I got keystone master when KSM first came out in 2018. I was running 20+’s now I’m barely getting to 2k raider io because of the sheer toxic player base. This is my alt, thanks for being an example
Achievements are account bound but alright
Cool to see creepy reddit-user-esque profile snooping going on in the wow forums as well. Can’t just engage in the topic, got to dig up dirt on him like it’s some kind of sport to you.
I feel like its relevant when he wants to talk lived experience
Ahh, this is why I only tank in Classic, far less dps spergs.
How to fix, ban all dps meter addons.
This issue is that the criticism often comes from players who don’t know what they’re complaining about. There is no learning to be had when a player who died standing in an easily dodgeable mechanic blames the tank and healer.