Tanking changes makes me not want to tank

At my content level, I never healed my tanks. This season, that was only a few 2s and a bunch of 0s.

I honestly ignored my tank’s existence. Even season 3 I barely had to pay attention to them. But I rarely pug. So my tank friends make it easier.

My DPS friends, on the other hand… :crazy_face:

no one was complaining that tanks were too OP.
My only issue is that there is too much dispairty between VDH and everyone else (just like in SL).
All tanks should have some sort of ranged interput and at least one AoE silence that isnt’ on some stupidly high CD

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Did you read the Blue post on the Tank changes and their design goals? It lays out what they feel the current issues are in M+ and how they want to address said issues.

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Were your tanks actually geared for those/getting useful gear from them?

Maybe I’m just crazy.

my point stands, players weren’t complaining. Blizz just seems to think that this is the way to solve a problem they invented.


Most of the complaints have been about overgeared tanks in normal and heroic dungeons.

They say a lot of things.

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which i still think has nothing to do with this change. The whole fantasy of being a tank is that you are very very hard to kill and you control fights and protect your friends. We were fine, we didnt need to be nerfed.
They could instead of nerf some of their garbage mechcanics with trash in certain dungeons and/or make less one-shots in them.

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It’s a bad feeling when you go from being able to help a weak group succeed to being unable to help them.


Yep. We were all geared between 476 and 485ish for 0s. Which drops 493.

We didn’t finish them until our dps out geared them. Kept hitting a wall when all the dps would die.

LOL what?
I’m talking about all the issues in M+ with healing and one shots not people crying about tanks in leveling content.

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yea and they 100% failed to accomplish what they set out to do. so tanks are probably going to see more nerfs is whats sad

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People were complaining, quite a bit.

Just because you choose not to acknowledge the complaints, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

And cause most people do queued content, the tank goes on ahead, and pretends the group doesn’t exist.

And cause tanking doesn’t really matter, inexperienced tanks complain how people pull for them lol.


Do we have proof that this won’t be a thing?

And did any of you play back when raids used to have tank healers and raid healers?

You act like tanks never ever took damage in the entirety of this game.


we got away from that because it was absolutely crap to play that way.

There have been far more complaints about overgeared tanks in normal and heroic dungeons than about tanks being unkillable in mythic+. I was pointing that out for you. You seem to have been reading a very different forum than the one I have been all this time if you believe that most complaints about tanks are about all tanks being OP in mythic+.

Nope. Nothing I even intended to imply. I’m curious why you felt the need to reframe the discussion and make it about OG raiding.

are we talking about timewalking and leveling dungeons?
i’ve seen those complaints but meh…the content doenst’ matter so who cares.
those people could also just not run in pugs if they want to do that stuff.
You know…the same stuff you tell people all the time…

How did they fail at something that hasn’t even begun? Dungeon tuning was a mess before this and still needs to be addressed.

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That was so long ago I was a tank healer when it was going on. :older_man:t5:

their goal was stated to limit self sustain and smooth out damage intake. they failed at that goal.

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They can’t fail at something they haven’t tried for yet. Tuning is a multi-step process.

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