Tanking Annoyances

Yes. It’s like plz just come dump it off to me bb :pleading_face:

I’m outta hearts or I would give you one red

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I am going be honest I never done mythics but today this guy did a mythic 19 the tank sucked so the healer left and then proceeded to ruin this guy key and add insult to injury he said they sucked but apparently tank didn’t even know what he was doing. You are wasting people time if you are doing that high level of a key.

Like, yeah, thanks dude, had them all grouped up for AoEs and threat but you REALLY needed to do that Thunderstorm . . . cool . . .

It’s annoying for DPS too. Like, I just placed my rain of fire and you literally Typhooned them all out? Really?

As a tank, I usually just pull these groups. Most the time the “skippable group” gets pulled because there’s always that one guy who blunders into them anyways.

What annoys me the most when tanking is when DPS pull for me without me asking for it. I usually know what I’m planning to do, I’m usually working around AoE or defensive cooldowns. Them pulling for me usually puts a wrench in that, so it ticks me off.


I’ve done this before lol. Now I try to wait 1-2 sec. before popping off. Or if it does happen, I try to leap out until tank gets agro back.

That being said, I feel like dps warrior agro is maybe not tuned correctly. Sometimes I rip threat and I’m not even the highest dps.

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It’s not. I see warriors die all the time. That plate armor is worthless

The mobs be like:


You and I both know the type of people I was referring to.
As the other poster who replied to you added (with snark) , the content I do is easy enough that when a shammy is blowing the mobs all over the place, it isn’t to avoid some mortal danger, it’s just being annoying.

Last night during timewalking was a perfect example of this, nothing in there with the exception of the Runeshapers in HoL is dangerous enough to warrent blowing grouped up mobs all over the place but this shammy kept doing it every chance he got.

Trolling? probably
An Idiot slowing down the run with his trolling? most definetly.

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Or the DPS gets aggro, and preceded to run around like a chicken with its head chopped off, instead of running to the tank.


When you’re trying to collect a room of mobs to LOS and the DPS starts shooting. Or you’re jumping into a pack and maybe haven’t hit all of them, but the DPS unload and now all the mobs are peeling off to 3 different places and you only have 1 taunt. Oh, and the one who realizes mobs are after them, so they run AWAY from the tank.
Let the tank LOS and let the mobs get close enough for the stomp, thrash, consecrate, whatever to establish some aggro. If you burst and pull aggro off the tank, run TO them (Or close) so they can grab them back.
Sometimes, I don’t even want to save them from their mistake. But they don’t learn, they just blame you.

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makes me cringe when dps stand in front of a frontal and take unnecessary damage

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When my group’s hunter harpoons into a pack before I can waddle to it.

More often than not now, I infernal strike into the group, which is equivalent to a warrior’s heroic leap.

I feel like you’ve been looking over my shoulder during keys.

Mis-use of abilities are so frustrating. Just last week with Sanguine I saw soooo many Shamans use Rocky when they shouldn’t have. It’s like they completely forget that it takes agro from the tank and doesn’t move. Then they complain about mobs in sanguine. I’m like what do you expect me to do? I have them perfectly in line to kite away.

People not kicking or kicking the wrong thing really grinds my gears. Then there is always someone complaining about people not kicking stuff that is on the “nice to be kicked but not required” list. So everyone kicks the annoying AOE effects and then no one has a kick for the self heals.

Basic lack of understanding the various affixes. Like you can’t pull HUGE (well you can but it requires everyone to be on the same page not a random pug) on some weeks but everyone wants you to pull bigger so they have bigger damage. You burst down the weaker mobs and then you have puddles/mini raid bosses/super high incoming party damage. Usually this is by DPS only players who figure everything is the tank or healers job to do.

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I go, “uhhh…???” And “hmmm…” when I’m trying to tank in a different spec and forget that I’m not in the correct tank spec.
This is why I will tank for friends only. They laugh with me while I switch specs.

And the tentacles in Plague Fall that everyone is so quick to burst down the smaller mob(s). Did everyone not learn their lesson in Shrine of the Storms. It’s just serious misplay by DPS when it happens. The gauntlet in SD is like that too in spots.

We don’t run PF much anymore unless we just have no other choice because 2 of friends just hate it that much. Moving out of Ur slam is such an ingrained habit that I move automatically anymore…you can’t do that on the last boss in PF. I always save bubble (on pally) or another big defensive and have to chant to myself “don’t move” till Ur gets down.

I just pop SI and eat the slam. When I’m dpsing, I just try to nuke Ur before it hits. A little harder on high keys, but doable up to 21/22.

I don’t even look at party chat in valor runs. If it’s something important that I need to know about someone in voice will tell me “hey X needs Y”.

Hunter/Warlock pets in the open world that taunt on cooldown and cause elites to spin around all the time.

Melee have to constantly be moving to stay behind the enemy, and mobs with cone attacks are spinning around and hitting people with them all the time.

It’s why, whenever people say they want bodyguards from Legion/WoD back, my response is “hell no if they have a taunt”.


Why don’t we have a cosmetic feature for Bron to be dressed like Peacemaker already :stuck_out_tongue:

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