Tanking Annoyances

And they mess up line of sight pulls. Playing with a good hunter then getting a “not good” hunter makes you want to pull your hair out of your head. And it has NOTHING to do with dps. It’s all the other little things. Tar traps to slow mobs that run off and pull packs… rarely do you see that happen in pugs.

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Or when hunter misdirect not to direct their aggro to you, but specifically so they can pull other groups that you haven’t planned for. This can lead to wipes.

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My current annoyance is that while leveling from 40-56 so far, literally every group of the 25+ instances I’ve done has had one idiot pulling stuff all over the place for me.

So I get why people want to do this, it doesn’t matter, it’s a timewalking or leveling dungeon…but for me, I queued to tank and I would like to do that. Usually I let them keep it, see if they die. Then I ask if they can please not pull for me. I’ve been kicked out of 2 groups because they said it was my problem and not theirs that I wasn’t tanking right.

Honestly it’s been a pretty miserable time doing dungeons while leveling. The groups in this game have really, really taken a downturn.

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That’s the reason why I’ve tanked very little in the past two xpac’s.

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This is usually because either.

It looks like the thank needs to drop stacks


It’s a mass interrupt, does things like stops those invisible spiders from jumping on a single target.

It still shouldn’t be used, especially if the jobs are casters. Vengeance DH’s have a group fear, called sigil of misery, that works quite nicely for this, but isn’t effective if the mobs are all over.

I guess the other situation I’ll use this on is if the tank isn’t tanking on the ranged mob to blow the ranged mob into the murder ball so they can be cleaved.

You forgot shining force and what is that explosive shot hunters have?

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It’s an explosive trap, and yes, that definitely falls into the same category just saying.,

Bursting(https://www.wowhead.com/spell=186387/bursting-shot ), but most of the time that is used to knock mobs that are attacking the hunter away from the hunter. The thing is, these knockback moves, if used right, are knocking mobs away from the one using them or out of things like Sanguine, or as a worst case scenario, used to aid the tank in kiting due to necrotic.

Thats being a team player.

I’ve been ripping aggro in the timewalking dungeons this week. It’s pretty funny when I wade into a deathball and get 5-6 procs in a row. Then I just bubble up and let the mobs go ham on whoever hits them at that moment. I haven’t tanked any because I don’t know the routes but I ought to I guess.