Tanking Annoyances

Idk what that has to do with what I said

This I can empathize with.

Jumping just resets the sleepy debuff, doesn’t remove the curse.

(My Soulbind summons Bronn)

“His name is Bron Cena!!!”

<.<; (me, looking left and right…) >.>;

… yeah… shamans and druids do it…

And only those classes. (Nervous chuckle)

… I’m not responsible for that kind if occurrence…

(Nervous laugh)

Or a druid that roots everything. Although, with the frost mage, doesn’t the elemental do that a lot?

You have to understand that a lot of people who post on this forum are really awful and play content literally 500% easier than what some of us are playing. They don’t really appreciate just how deadly some enemy spells actually are, especially when they’re playing slowly and timidly on top of the joke scaling at their difficulty level.

As a tank, sometimes people will use typhoon or ROP as an interrupt and that’s a good thing - it’s the tank’s job to know how to properly round the mobs back up or LOS them back into a clump.

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I think frost mages should be taking lonely winter

Tanking is all about control so when dps do random roots it can be a problem.

Slows idc about

Oh that i know. Ive been in grps where ppl to dont dispel it and its like bruh me hitting space bar a bunch is less efficient than you spending a global to remove it

Drives me bonkers

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I misread your post. I thought you were saying it was less “clicks” to hit space-bar than to click someone’s frame and click decurse.

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I speed run heroics and I play with friends.

I’m the tank, and if I’ve got someone so bad they can’t decurse themselves, it’s just a vault key, in which I’m not going to die

but I will absolutely let some mage who refuses to decurse himself die :slight_smile: they’ll get a couple from me, and after that, i’ll use my decurse on literally anyone else.


For me, it’s routing. I have a route that I use with my fixed group and then a route for low keys (which usually omits invis / Wo skips because it’s with newbie pugs).

I get extremely annoyed when I’m tanking a +2 key for quick valor when someone from the group chastises me with “uh…tank…you know you can invis skip that pack right?”.

  1. Dps not following mechs
  2. Ninja pulls
  3. Healer doing dps in bad moment
  4. Not being able to do rbgs because of the bear meta (even in yolos)

I had a Paladin healer putting BoP on me and then getting irritated when I lost aggro and he got it instead. Twice. That was… interesting.

Think it started end of legion, maybe BFA cant recall but so many mobs have weird pathing when you are positioning them. I think one of the worst offenders in recent memory was Kael’thas in Castle Nathria.

I dont know why they’ve altered mob behavior but getting them to stand generally where you want them to be without them doing a little slow walk and planting weird angle is annoying.

Not game breaking or earth shattering, but yeesh feels gross.

on topic

the single biggest tanking annoyance this time around are all the shamans using that stupid freaking annoying awful stupid earth ele legendary, popping earth ele at the most illogical times (THANKS GUY for popping your ele that AOE taunts at the start of a giant pull when i have all my defenses up - great play!), making it hard to group mobs, making it hard to move mobs, healing them in sanguine, flipping mobs around that do frontals, etc. then they pump heals into it making the disruption to what I’m trying to do with the mobs even longer.

it’s straight up awful. what a stupid legendary design on blizz’s part.

I get that it’s big damage, but it’s basically an extra affix I have to deal with. remove the taunt from the dumb thing, or even better make it toggleable.


Ooo, this is my kind of thread. Complaining about DPS players is what I do best

Or they just don’t even let you round them up. I run past mobs to get a good pack and they’re already popping cooldowns and pulling aggro.

If they’d wait until I’m done gathering the mobs, that wouldn’t happen.


They do, then they pull threat and die and are all “Tank?!?!?!”

My favorite are the warriors who do this:

GIANT pull, I use incarn/frenzy
next pull, medium, I have no incarn, and even bark is on cd, so much less threat
I say “I have no damage here” then pull anyway cause im not waiting for barkskin
warrior runs in, pops off with some big aoe in the first GCD and dies

I like to call them Florriors for a reason.


If a tank runs far ahead from you and makes a big pull they better be prepared to live. Not your fault as a healer at all.

When I did keys I would do that sometimes but I knew what I could handle.

If a tank nerd rages being so far ahead and died without your aid then they can only be mad at themselves, not you.


When DPS gets aggro and doesn’t bring it to me, but sits there expecting me to go help.

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