Tank Threat Issues

Did you black out before reading the other half the comment?

I exclusively play classic

but Warrior Tanks don’t really have anything they can use to generate snap threat

taunt (in the defensive stance that you never use) says hello…

you don’t use defensive stance when tanking?

Yes my taunt, how could I possibly forget the 10 second CD that affects only 1 target???

For reference here, how many targets are you attempting to tank, and in which instance at level 17? I’m guessing Deadmines. Are you missing a lot?

Meta Warlocks have Demonic Howl which is an AOE taunt, they also have a spammable threat generator and a cleave. Do PROT Warriors have any of that?

Howl is on a 10min CD, it’s exactly the same as the warrior equivalent you will get soon (hint, we are lvl capped at 25 right now).

Warlocks have spammable searing pain because they don’t have extremely strong auto attacks like warriors do.

Do meta locks have consistent cleave and spammable AOE?

Shadow Cleave on a 6s CD.

Well, Warriors have an AoE taunt, but not yet. I personally don’t like the idea of [spec-class], and that’s actually one of the things I prefer about Classic. We don’t have locked in specs like in Retail, but rather have trees that we can put our talents into.

Anyway, FWIW, I would point out that initially I joined this thread to try to offer some advice, but it feels that you don’t want that. You want to complain that warriors don’t work the way you want them to. And that’s fine, if that’s what you want to do.

Best of luck!

Enough said.

You only have to settle for having the highest mana-less damage and threat output of all tanks right now, tragic.

So give Warriors better threat management and nerf their damage. Otherwise beg for tanks.

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Warriors don’t need better threat management.


Have you tanked as a Warrior?


Literally multiple instances since we started interacting in this thread, as well.

Have you?

The issue is DPS not focusing the same target as you.

Level 40 bracket should be a bit better as tanks get more AoE abilities (and hopefully Lock Tank gets a rune that makes Hellfire become Immolation Aura when in Meta and Rogue tanks get a nice AoE).

Remember that when there’s no tanks even with all these extra tank specs for all these classes.

It’s become doable but also more stressful to succeed while fighting the way the community has decided to play (zoomers)

Obviously, otherwise I would have never started this thread.

Dude, you’re posting on a level 17 Alliance character. Presumably, if that’s the toon you’re talking about, it isn’t obvious.

You’re most likely not tanking RFC, and you haven’t answered my questions about which instances you are tanking and whether you’re missing a lot, which I would imagine you would be.

In any case though, if you were actually even remotely interested in how to tank as a warrior, there’s plenty of information out there. There’s even been some given in this thread, but you don’t seem to want to have it.

You seem to want to insist that there is an issue with warrior threat, even though as people are pointing out, that isn’t the case.

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