Tank Threat Issues

So, I ran SFK on my warrior with War, Rogue, Ret DPS, and a priest healer, and pretty much how I described above, I was able to zoom around, pull large packs and threat is not an issue.

I decided to use: Warbringer, Furious Thunder, and Single Minded Fury, the dmg and movement speed increase are nice to have, plus I wanted to try dual wielding with faster weapons.

It didn’t occur to me to ask before, but what instance(s) are you tanking at level 17, and are you missing the mobs a lot? I assume your weapon skills are maxed, but how large is the level difference?

I’ve been a no addon Andy since 2004 because I didn’t want to get used to some addon, have it not get updated, then be SOL

I think I’ve actually learned all the visual/audio ins and outs of the game as a result and have good awareness

Warriors and rogues are in a bad spot for aoe threat atm. I am sure it will change more later. Hoping blizzard does things like increasing thunderclap threat but who knows.

At no point in classic dungeons do tanks hold absolute threat. Its always a fight and warriors have taunt + mocking blow already (granted you won’t be running TM if you are deep prot). Snap threat for aoe is remarkably better in sod than classic.

Your job as a tank in classic wow is to taunt the target that gets nuked by dps and then completely ignore it, because it is dead. Build threat on the mobs people aren’t focusing. This isn’t retail where you press one button and have threat for the whole fight lmao.

Ironic you are questioning people’s integrity when your entire argument is that of a retail Andy :roll_eyes:

Oh? This is my only character?

Tell me what kind of audio/visual queue you can see in a pack of 8 mobs getting AOEd in a 40 man raid?

You are griefing yourself and everyone around you by not using threat plates as a tank, no one will ever take your opinion on class / raid balance seriously now that you have admitted to this.

I’d recommend to delete this comment LOL

Hey guess what, I don’t have Warbringer because I’m lvl 17 on my Warrior. Would that make a difference? Yes, yes it would. Should I have to rely on that alone in order to fulfil my role as tank? Absolutely not.

So we aren’t talking about SoD then? What 40 man raids?

He’s just trying to make an argument to beat me.

“dps runes make them too strong for me to tank against!!”

ok, so go get your tank runes

“no!! not like that!!!”

please get to level 25, do a raid or two, then review your stance on this. you are wasting everyones time whinging about level 17 dead mines performance while missing core runes

Eh… it would only really make a difference to the amount of zoom you do. It’s definitely not a tanking requirement.

I think that honestly, if you’re having threat issues at level 17, it’s probably because you’re level 17, and you’re missing too much.


You just said you have been addonless since 2004.
Have you never done a 40 man during that time?

Yea guess I never had an issue. When is 1 tank tanking 8 adds in a 40 man classic raid? Lol

No, being able to charge around and stuff would allow you to create gaps that gives you an aggro window. Not something you can do by just running around since that SB or SS is only 2 seconds behind you.

They’re not, you need the threat plates to tell you which ones are attacking you, the off tanks or a dps/heal target.
It’s impossible to use audio/visual queues to get this data when you need it.

The fact you keep asking these questions continues to reinforce my opinion you have not raided seriously at any point, and if you did, you were full dead weight carry.

Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Keep downloading those crutches. I was tanking naxx in 2006 breh. Our guild got world first maexxna :sunglasses:

Keep waiting for guides and add-ons to tell you how to play so you can feel good

You could do it addon free, but the amount of effort you have to put in just to not use a tool readily available to you is a real weird flex. I could copy a book by hand, but why would I waste time/effort when copiers exist.

It’s a total boomer closed mindset. rejecting freely available data that wildly improves your decision making just for the sake of it, because that’s how you always did it for 20 years, then complain that you cannot adapt to new things.

it’s peak boomer.

disregard the opinions of these kinds of luddites, always.

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The more processing you offload to technology, the less you use your brain for said processing.

If you don’t use it you lose it

there is a huge flaw in your logic, you can’t process data in your brain that your brain never collected because you choose to keep it off your screen.

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