Tank nerfs = less fun

Exactly. No Brewmasters are running around soloing anything without a healer, and won’t be. Yet they get painted by the community and developers with the same “hurr durr tnak dunt ned healr” brush and nerfed accordingly. Which is beyond stupid.

Good we tanks don’t need tanks like you. This is hardly a nerf. 10% damage reduction is like 4 to 6% more damage at most.

If that 10% is all your need to remain convinced of it. No wonder you play on a dead realm.

They want to be the one punch man.

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My buddy in big pulls actually pulls more dps than I when I don’t have cooldowns. I was actually impressed.

A trade off for being passively immune to spike damage for just existing?

Less fun for who? The tank? Well dungeons are group play, meaning, more people are playing bedsides just the tank. It’d be nice if some tanks actually understood that. You’re putting unnecessary pressure on healers, because most of these rediculious pulls are not pretty.

Some classes aoe is uncapped so yea