Tank LF Weekend Raid Grp

407 Paladin Tank - I am looking for a guild that is starting mythic content or has done the first 3 bosses in BoD.

Hi! If you’re interested in a faction and server transfer we are on Llane-Arygos. We are looking for a tank! Raid times are Fri/Sat 10p-1a EST and currently 3/9M BoD and 2/2H CoS. If interested, please add us: mabelle#1433 and vcronwen#1282. :slight_smile:

Hey Furnfire, Seventh Sun (3/9 mythic) raids one day a week on Sundays from 6-10 central. We are an AOTC-focused guild first, but then spend any leftover time in mythic. Add me on btag if you think this sounds like a good fit: Layria#1512