Tank - Guardian Druid LF Aotc focused guild

Hi there, so i’m currently hoping to find myself another guild as my current is all there this time around for season 3, have some good friends from it so if things work out they might want to join as well.
I only want to go for AOTC, maybe some mythic bosses but no CE for me, not that hardcore focused anymore. I myself am a tank main, i play around with every tank based on how they feel each season to me, right now i’m looking to be a guardian druid main for season 3. I mained Monk tank in Season 2 and Warrior for 1. I still keep my other tanks up once I got the main settled with some good gear. I’ve been playing since BC on and off, but Legion is where I really started to raid and got all my AOTC’s from there on up. I’m also an avid Mythic +er so i’m always looking for others to do keys with. As for raid times, i’m free on Weds / Thurs starting from 5pm est until 2 am as the latest.
You can contact me on this post or here :
Battle-net tag - Vercross#1411
Discord - Xcrush#1465

Still looking~

Hey Angrycrush, I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look at our spam and let us know!