Taliesin want's 2h Frost to return also! Eeeeeeee....!

It would be a unique setup. We would then be the ONLY class in the game with variable animations based on our equipment. This actually would not take an extreme amount of effort, but would take focus away from other locations. Additionally, (and most importantly) this only affects the visual. The other points stand - and if you’re suggesting the option to xmog 2h over dw just for visuals… just no, that’s a LOT of work.

The point was, that this topic is getting a lot of attention, even from popular YouTubers. The Majority of Death Knights have wanted 2H frost to return to the game long before Taliesin ever mentioned it in one of his videos. It’s just nice to have this issue be recognized on a larger platform.

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I wouldn’t say it’s a majority - I’d say it’s a vocal minority. Most frost DKs just want the class balanced and competitive and couldn’t care less if it was dw or 2h.

That’s an old and outdated excuse at this point. It’s not as much work as people keep saying. Besides Blizzard has already stated that they want to focus more on player agency in Shadowlands. I’m not saying that they always keep their word. Because we all know they don’t. However This is one subject that people have been asking for ever since it was taken away. No one asked to be forced only into one play style for Frost DK. It was forced upon us. We are just asking for them to find a way to return the play style to those of us who enjoyed it. That’s all.

From my experience you would be wrong then. Did you see the poll that Hazed did in one of his videos? It’s the Majority…

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The only reason people wanted it kept is because it was almost to the point of being OP in pvp. If the class was fixed and balance restored to frost DK be competitive as a dw class right when the switch happened, there wouldn’t be an outcry to go back.

So just to be clear: you are MORE concerned with having the visual of a 2h weapon over being balanced and competitive? (if push came to shove, which would you leave behind)

I would prefer to keep the choice alive. As much as i’m not a fan of DW I know that there are those who enjoy it, and shouldn’t be made to suffer the same way as those of us who loved 2H frost did.

Blizzard gave us something, then took it away… In my opinion the burden of fixing something that they did is on them. Not on you, me, or anyone else here.

Fact is A LOT of Death Knights want 2H frost back, and no matter if it comes back or not… those who feel this way are not going to change their minds. Or as Kelliste suggested to say…

“We want it”

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I can appreciate that, but I feel that everyone who has called for this has ignored the fact that if this happens to us, there WILL be a ripple effect throughout other classes and it’s not just Blizz doing this for us, they will have to open it up for every class and this could cause a balance nightmare.

It is just frustrating seeing how so many people ignore the second part of that effect and think that it’s an easy fix. Going back to the choice of what you wield for your spec play brings in balance issues that can’t just be ignored. It has to be one of these three options: 2h or dw or balancing nightmares (across all melee classes), and it feels that everyone who is for this topic ignores this fact completely.

I’ve always been a fan of a dual wield dk spec (I wish it had been unholy, but beggers can’t be choosers).

Actually that isnt true. There are some that actually want DW to be removed because it doesnt “feel like a dk” and “rogue weapon toys”.

I hear you man, and you’re not wrong. But I have a hard time having any sympathy for Blizzard. They are the ones who did this to the game, not us. I think they should be able to find a way to deal with it going forward. I know many Shaman who want Enhancement to have 2h return, I know Survival Hunters miss their Bow’s and other Survival Hunters wish they could DW, I even saw a topic on the Pally forums that some Rets wanted to DW as well…

So yes you’re correct about the ripple effect it would have. However I still don’t feel sorry for a multi billion dollar company, who both have the funds and means to do something about it. I’m honestly taking their Player Agency comments with a grain of salt. And I’m trying not to get my expectations too high for Shadowlands. But Ion is correct. Players do want more choice in the game, I feel like it’s Blizzards JOB to figure out how to give that to us.

Just my two cents. :slight_smile:


[Citation needed]

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I agree - if they can balance it (and they should have the capability to) It would be awesome to re-add to the game. “Return player agency to what we wield in 10.0 or 9.1 and balance it!” I could get behind - my selfish reason is this gives me the dw unholy I played back in wrath :slight_smile:.

Glad we could be cordial on this topic.


Yes I also played the DW Unholy back in Wrath and it was a blast! (while it lasted anyway)

Yes! Me too man. Thank you also for being cordial. :slight_smile:

I come to these forums a lot and read and I’m often reminded of what Obi Wan Kenobi once said…

"Luke, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.”

Everyone has their own point of view on how they want to play this game. Sometimes I have to take a step back and realize that a game that people still feel this passionate about 15 years later really is an amazing thing, even if we don’t all agree on how it should be played. We are still here, having fun and discussing it because we care about it. And that’s a great thing in my opinion :slight_smile:


Popular youtubers they dont really understand what it would mean to bring back sub specs. If it was just a transmog, which some 2h supporters just want the visual, and others say that it just isnt good enough and they want to actually use the weapon.

If using the weapon means a dps drop, which it would if they just removed weapon restrictions, they most likely wont do it.

Its also not a majority and I would say that these Death Knights are from the MoP/WoD era and most of the people who like Frost, or have over all the expansions, just like the spec

Again, pay attention to the threads. Frostlich has even hinted at removing DW completely at times.

Huh. Do you actually remember the last time you said that? Ya’know, what I linked to you immediately after?

Well then, it should be no issue for you to prove that.

I’m a BC baby for the record.

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You linked nothing of relevance. I am not going to go through the threads over a thousand posts just to appease your want for a citation because you havent payed attention to the forums.

You can still be a TBC baby, and still only go back to WoD as a dk because thats when they really became FotM.

Do you have memory problems?

Let’s take (another) trip down memory lane.

You said.

To which I did the [Citation needed] thing, and then you refused to give one (likely because you couldn’t, just like here).

I then gave the evidence of the exact opposite happening, and you never responded.

Now for a quote I quite like.

DK since Wrath btw. Funnily enough WoD was when I stopped for a bit.


Here’s that point of view thing I was talking about, coming into play. Although I respect your point of view, I highly disagree with you.

(I really wish there was a way to do a poll on these forums. I know years ago you could, but it hasn’t been that way in a while.)

However just from my own experience and people I talk to online, in discord, in game, and on the froums. It seems to me that the over all majority of players who enjoyed Frost want 2H to return over DW.

(How that can happen? Well I feel that’s Blizzards problem to figure out. But that’s not what I’m discussing here right now at this very moment in time. I’m specifically talking about the Majorty of players from my point of view want 2H back over DW)

Fact is though I haven’t taken the time to do a Poll. I’m not sure you have either. (If you have been by all means please show us your results, I would love to see them)

But I can show you one example of someone who has. I challenge you to watch this video in its entirely before you respond.

Like or Dislike the man, Hazzed has put in some work to get the opinions of these other Death Knights across the game. So it’s worth taking a look at.

Anyway Thanks for sharing your opinion. I hope you have a nice day :slight_smile:

PS: I’m from Vanilla (old School baby! :metal:t4: haha)


Anyone who says DW should be removed is just as bad as people who say 2h should never return.

MOST that want 2h dont care if u can dw still, they just dont want to


I flippin’ did already! And I was NOT on their side! I said I’d rather have 2h come back, but DW stay too! I was just trying to suggest ways they could add DW as a tmog option if they have to remove DW anyway, just in case it did happen. But you kept telling me it would take to much coding before. That wouldn’t be the case for Blizz if they actually got it right. Both for adding 2h and keeping DW, and making DW tmogs work correctly.

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