Taliesin and 2h Frost continuation (and an apology to the OP from me too)

He’s merely stating facts. Want me to prove it?(again)

Or they just point out facts, like people who no one agrees with so they have to like their own forum posts in order to feel like they “won” an argument.

In the spirit of “to correct mistakes, and promote correctness”, I’m making this post on this topic. I’m merely going to display the facts here, with easily accessible links so you can see for yourself.

In the end, you be the Judge… Was Magicke liking his own comments? Or has this merely been the biggest coincidence in this history of the World of Warcraft Forms? You decide….

So without further ado, here’s your evidence. Enjoy!

Below are all the names, profiles of not only Magicke, but all the characters he’s used to like his own posts in the following two threads here on the DK forums. The two DK threads where his comments and likes come from are from the following two threads…



Feel free to view any of these two DK threads and see any post made by Magicke, you’ll see “likes” by every armory page listed here today.

The evidence we are going to be looking at are from Achievements and Collections. I will provide the armory link to his main account and each account that has liked his recent posts. Feel free to use these links to do your own research and decide for yourself, is this guy liking his own post and lying about it? Or is he totally innocent as he claims? You decide…

Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements / PvP / Global - 50000 Honorable Kills 06/23/2016

Achievements / Collections / Mounts - One Hump or Two? 05/23/2011



Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements / PvP / Global - 50000 Honorable Kills 06/23/2016

Achievements / Collections / Mounts - One Hump or Two? 05/23/2011



Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements - Error 404 – Something’s Not Quite Right – Which means you can’t view this characters Achievements, it’s a known bug on the Blizzard armory that randomly affects some characters. So basically with this character, he’s dodged a bullet. However, under the collections Tab you can still see this Character has the same collections, aka it’s the same account.



Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements / PvP / Global - 50000 Honorable Kills 06/23/2016

Achievements / Collections / Mounts - One Hump or Two? 05/23/2011



Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements / PvP / Global - 50000 Honorable Kills 06/23/2016

Achievements / Collections / Mounts - One Hump or Two? 05/23/2011



Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements / PvP / Global - 50000 Honorable Kills 06/23/2016

Achievements / Collections / Mounts - One Hump or Two? 05/23/2011



Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements - Error 404 – Something’s Not Quite Right – Which means you can’t view this characters Achievements, it’s a known bug on the Blizzard armory that randomly affects some characters. So basically with this character, he’s dodged a bullet. However, under the collections Tab you can still see this Character has the same collections, aka it’s the same account.



Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements / PvP / Global - 50000 Honorable Kills 06/23/2016

Achievements / Collections / Mounts - One Hump or Two? 05/23/2011


Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements / PvP / Global - 50000 Honorable Kills 06/23/2016

Achievements / Collections / Mounts - One Hump or Two? 05/23/2011



Mounts Collected - 158

Unique Pets Collected – 165

Achievements / PvP / Global - 50000 Honorable Kills 06/23/2016

Achievements / Collections / Mounts - One Hump or Two? 05/23/2011

So with all that being presented, you the community can make up your own mind if this guy likes his own posts or not. He keeps saying it’s not him. I’ve presented you the facts. You decide.

Thanks and have a good day.