Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

I mean, that’s what the Titans say, but there’s a lot of subtext going along, especially with some of the DF story that points to the Titans having their own plans for Azeroth that aren’t necessarily about protecting it. Seems to be more about making sure they get what is inside there to be their own more than anything else.


I don’t think “corrupting” is going to be what they wanted. Even Chronicles 4 seem to imply the world soul could be many things. At worse they are making in it into what they want and ever other forces out there wants to do the same.



I’m of the opinion that we probably don’t need anymore actual races.
We’re gonna get fan headcanonesque gifts like void elves.
But customizing what we have is good.


Believe me, we know.


Be fair, there are some absolutely elaborate mental gymnastics going on in that head.

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We don’t. Look, The final Titan will probably villain bat the titans to a degree but at the same time I don’t think Blizzard will simply throw all of them under the bus, more specifically Eonar.

For now we don’t know what will happen. Yes, clearly there will be something malevolent to what the titans want but at the time I don’t think The Final Titan will simply end with them just being turned into generic villain fodder.

And from the title itself, maybe Azeroth will still end up a titan/ultimately that will be the best move to do.

Honestly, agreed. Especially races that can be just customization. Kul Tirans should have been customization for the regular humans. Mag’har should have been customization for Orcs, etcetera. Like, in Legion I would have done something like this – maybe not this exact list but spitballing random ideas. The fact we now have so many glorified customization options for the base races as their own race is stupid.

Broken Draenei (using aesthetics from both TBC and Argus)
High Elves

Stonemaul Ogres
Forest Trolls


I’m not necessarily pointing towards villain titans, just that they aren’t acting out of benevolence, there’s something they want and are taking actions to get it. I think the titans/light/void etc are less forces of good and evil, but higher scale beings where we’re insignificant when it comes to what they’re after. I mean, the titans have no qualms with killing us all off just in case. (basically the Babylon 5 giants in the playground idea)

Last could be a lot of things, last in a line, last survivor, last one to show up to us. who knows.


they could have a god that is son wukong.
it writes itself!


I don’t think that is the case. At least until it does become retconned. From what we know the titans swore to protect ALL life and that is why Aggamar interfered with Draenor because had Draenor continued on its course it would end as a dead world.

Until this whole world soul saga business started the titans were probably the closest we had to a truly good aligned higher power we could rally behind, followed by the light and maybe life itself. With Chronicles 1 portraying Titan Azeroth as maybe our best chance at defeating the Void Lords.

As far as we have been told killing would have been a last resort and considering inaction could lead to the Void Lords consuming reality I can understand, if not approve, of needing a reset button.

The fact Blizzard didn’t make The Monkey King a Horde leader and as powerful as he was in the original mythology is such a missed opportunity. I can almost forgive Legion-BFA if they did that.


I do not believe it is without reason.

The Alliance definitely had a reason to expect malice from the Zandalari trolls considering past events, more so because Zul, who as the prime orchestrator of said past events, was with Talanji.

The Alliance might have been wrong, maybe, but they had their fair reasons.


Well in this case they were not wrong. Talanji was planning on making a deal with the Horde and it was the reason the Alliance captured her.

What a weird fixation to keep circling around earlier in this thread.


So they kidnapped the god king’s daughter to start a war?
What else could happen?
Rastakhan couldn’t and wouldn’t take that sitting down and his fleet (at the time of Talanji being kidnapped) was smaller than the grand total alliance fleet because now they recruit the Kul’Tirans first, adding their fleets to the Alliance.

It literally forces Rastakhan to join the Horde.


Or prevent one. You know, having a valuable hostage.

We don’t know the Alliance’s plans for Talanji in that scenario, because they were never written to have any plans. There was no need. Talanji was captured for one reason, and one reason only, and that was so that the Horde could rescue her, forcing Rastakan to be indebted enough to the Horde to grant it a presence in his city, let alone the time of day.

We can speculate on what plans the Alliance could’ve had for Talanji. Given she was in a bog standard prison cell and not kept at the castle like a prisoner of high birth should have been, I can’t imagine it was anything diplomatic.


Like I mentioned, holding her hostage was never going to work.

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Yes. As Chronicles IV confirms, Brann and the Alliance helped the Zandalari defeat G’Huun, therefore Talanji should have asked the Alliance for help instead of being so openly hostile and rude towards them.

I mean, the Alliance still helped, but not because Talanji asked, but because they are the Good Guys.

And how were they repaid? With Talanji and Rastakhan pledging the Golden Fleet to the Horde, thus forcing Jaina Proudmoore to raid Dazar’alor.


Yeah, kidnapping the princess of the Zandalari Empire will do that to a faction. The Horde was always going to be the natural pick for the Zandalari to ally with.


Declaring war on the Alliance in Cataclysm and making moves to besiege Ironforge (a founding Alliance member state) in MoP will mark the Princess as a war target, yes.

What else is new?

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