Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

Yeah, and no trolls even have a reason to join the Alliance. Not even the Amani do, lol. The Horde isn’t the faction with the Trollbane surname.



The Alliance player race, Dark Irons, were not an Alliance Player Race during the Siege of Dazar’Alor.

They quit for fifteen minutes.


So that the Alliance can look good in helping the trolls and so that they could forgive what Zul’jin and the Amani have done to them, of course.

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They always call them war criminals and cite their crimes and confuse the Darkspear with them. Now they want them because the Horde has Trolls? The Alliance seem obsessed but yet disgusted with the Horde, it’s intriguing.


I was thinking you were talking about the War of Three hammers. My mistake on that. but no, the dark irons were not trying to cause genocide either. Or more precisely if they were, they were doing it of their own according and not under orders from the Alliance.

One could have said this of the Earthen as well but yet here we are. Also, there is no way Blizzard will give a pseudo copy of the Alliance’s most iconic race and not do the same with the Horde. Their also the possibly we will just get the Harronir. So we will see.

Zerde: Humans cannot breathe oxygen irl. it is poison to them.

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You are just salty Chronicles has been wiping alot of the stain from the event of BFA for the Alliance/Alliance aligned characters.

Yeah this stuff needs to stop. It’s weird for them to be on our side too.


recounting how the dark irons were literally setting civilians on fire and laughing about it.


The Earthen shouldn’t have gone to -either- faction, what’s your point? The Earthen have always been characterized as being affiliated with the interests of the Titans (read: not the Alliance).


I doubt its stopping so yeah, my prediction for Midnight, either high elves or Amani troll as allied races. I prefer the former but if I can’t get it I will laugh with glee if we get the latter.

Like, the main race roster of the Alliance are direct children of the titan.

And not one of them have stayed true to the interests of the Titans.

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Considering the main interest of the titans was “protect Azeroth” pretty sure it was.

I don’t think it’s quite that.

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If they give y’all Amani, I never want to hear another word about the Horde’s war crimes. Because you’re eager to ally yourself with anyone that commits war crimes anyway.


Stone dwarves for horde isn’t a popular option.

As an aside, like i am figuratively their target audience because I am a massive thor fan, and their thundergod armor just doesn’t look good on horde races. not that that has anything to do with the stone dwarves being horde, just. their mojo doesn’t mesh.


The main interests of the Titans have been to impose Order on all they see, Azeroth is no exception. The races of the Alliance have done exactly the opposite.

That is what we know or at least what has been told to us. So their know interest is making sure Azeroth remains safe/hatches into a titan. For now, the Alliance(and to be fair the Horde) are doing that directly or indirectly.

Have you read the discriptors used for the Alliance? Order is kinda a big thing to the Alliance. For example:

he leader of the Obsidian Warders believes that given time, the Alliance can be molded into a more unified and dignified fighting force. Scalecommander Azurathel values order and discipline above all—and the Alliance has both in spades.

How do you keep abreast of wow lore and read chronicles and still get the main byline of the new trilogy expansion set wrong?

The interest of titans was corrupting the world soul into a titan.

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We should have gotten something that Horde players have actually been asking for. I don’t recall any Horde Player ever asking for Horde Dwarves, even if stone. Stonemaul Ogres as a race, Mok’nathal as a customization, Forest Trolls as a customization and/or race, hell gilgoblins would be kind of cool as a goblin customization considering the events of Nazjatar.