Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

They were never onboard with the war. They opposed it from the beginning.

No, that’s exactly what he’s implying; that the foundation of the Old Horde was corrupt, Thrall forged a faction that wasn’t corrupt with Vol’jin carrying on Thrall’s leadership, and that Sylvanas was just going to bring it all back.

Neither were a case of widespread Horde corruption.

So this is different then the Man’ari joining the Alliance because…


Not really how that works though.

The Stonespire don’t.


And yet they followed like Blind sheep.

And he impled Thrall and Vol’jin version were not the true ones, that Sylvanas was that one simply showing what the Horde truly was.

Because the Alliance is not claiming the Legion victories/iconographies, the Man’ari killed for the Legion and not the Alliance.

Actually they still do. There are still survivors and why the sudden decision to move the goal post?

I didn’t know blind sheep continually threatened and questioned their leadership. :thinking:

No, he didn’t. He was implying Thrall and Vol’jin’s vision was the true one, and that Sylvanas was attempting to bring back the false Horde.

They still accepted the Man’ari all the same, the very same Man’ari that have more blood on their hands then every Horde villain combined.


There are a few individuals that survived. The tribe though is gone. There’s no movement. Genocide is the deliberate attempt to wipe out an ethnic group, the dwarves did that there, just didn’t get all of them. And they did that to steal their land.


The Alliance didn’t “accept” them, more so they are making them work off their sins.

It was no one’s land at the time, in fact I just checked, as per Cycle of Hatred all of the Barrens was suppose to be neutral territory. As a side note, the taurens were also helping the Horde kick the night elves out of their land.

So they accepted them. They didn’t kill them right off the rip, they accepted them.

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They gave them the second chance to redeem themselves. So, do we give people second chances or not? Because if not, then the Horde should be destroyed.

Do we take the good -and- the bad, or just conveniently ignore it if they’re the side we don’t like?

Funny how the Stonespire seemed to think that was their land and sacred to them, but that doesn’t matter.


Or maybe like the Man’ari they shouldn’t be glorifying an organization that has committed genocide and like the Legion let said organization join the dust bin of history.

The end of Warcraft 3 was the wild west of Warcraft, everyone took land from each other. Hell, the Horde wanted Quillboar land and took it. Regardless the Barrens were suppose to be neutral.

Dwarves still wiped out a tribe of Tauren to steal their particular plot of land in the Barrens no matter what excuses you make to try and excuse it.


And the taurens help the orcs steal night elf land.

Cool. The New Horde never glorified what the old leaders of the Old Horde did, though.

Compared to the Man’ari, the Horde are saints. Not only have they proven good intent and will by betraying their Warchiefs for the sake of Azeroth, what they’ve done does not render the entire faction worthy of destruction.

I wonder who fired the first shot?

They literally named their city for Ogrim Doomhammer! The guy who genocided Stormwind!

The same guy that helped Thrall free the orcs from human enslavement so that Thrall could forge the New Horde? Thrall didn’t name Orgrimmar for Doomhammer because of what he did in the Old Horde, he did it because he was one of the key figures in redeeming and freeing the Orcs.

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Talanji seemed to motivated by trying to unite the Troll tribes. There are no Trolls on Alliance. For a lot of years there was fighting amongst the tribes.


He still named a city for someone who did committed genocide. You cannot delineate the two.

We will see with Midnight.

I also like the assumption that the Alliance wouldn’t have just tossed them in the stockades to rot if they came to them looking for help. I mean, if they were open to diplomacy they might have done the normal royal thing and kept them prisoner in nice accommodations.


Lol, maybe you could get the Amani to join but why would you with their history against the Alliance?