Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

I mean, his logic is that stealing a few boats and killing a few soldiers somehow means arthas was perfectly okay to purge an entire city of innocent civilians

Long as it’s team blue, he will try his best to justify any atrocity.


No and your lack of awareness is shockingly appalling.

The fact YOU claim its pefectly ok to kill and steal some boats for the greater good/because the Horde ultimately does more good is the exactly same logic of Arthas.
Which is funny considering you castigate him at every turn.

If you know me so well then you should know my stance on Arthas. I hate that he cause the fall of Lordaeron. Having said that, if Sylvanas gets a redemption so should he. And unlike Sylvanas fanatics I dont want him anywhere near the Alliance if he were to get one.

And on Stratholme in particularly, its pretty obvious that it was the wrong move. But he wasnt exactly given many good options.

Not really? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Your whole argument was born from a retort to my statement “All land is troll land” by saying:

The trolls who owned it are extinct


  • The trolls who owned it are still alive.
  • They are the Zandalari.
  • They predate the Dark Trolls

Er go – the statement you made is invalid.
You can argue water isn’t wet too if you’d like, but that doesn’t make it true. lol

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This would only be true if Zandalari lived as long as Night Elves, and the Dark trolls somehow warped into Zandalari.

Go actually play Warcraft 3, since you apparently know nothing about the events and what was at stake

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The Zandalari as a species have existed far longer than Night Elves, lol :joy:

And as stated earlier – The Zandalari are the first tribe from which all tribes originated … which would include the Dark Trolls.

So yes :clap: It’s true :smiley:

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And? They’re still different.

I know the stake, but I find it stupid that you berated Arthas for his “sacrificing for the greater good” attitude only for you to turn around and say that is acceptable when team red does it.

We all know the real reason that you’re so hung up on a few boats and a couple soldiers is that the horde helped saved the world and you have nothing to use against that.

And I love that you hate it that much

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No at all. My amusement is in the fact for all your hatred of Arthas you are just as willing to use the “greater good” logic to excuse the crime of the Horde.

Speaking of lack of awareness, you’re still going on about the relatively small crime of stealing a few boats while going to bat for the much larger crime of the indefinite detention of a whole race for the sins of a few because you pretend eradication is the only other option.

  1. said race had just tried to genocide an entire continent and even at that point several group were still attacking the Alliance from said race. 2) even if the Alliance wanted to, the race was already suffering from demonic leglthagry because they drank demon blood.
  2. what exactly was your option that didnt risk they just attacking the Alliance again/joining these other orcish warband? 4) if you want to blame someone for it, why not blame the Forsaken considering they are the very same people who operated said camp/was the kingdom most responsible for it. Heck, the daughter of said king is even one of its leaders.

All of them?

Did they change the lethargy from being more about coming down from the demon blood and realizing what they had done?

I believe I’ve already told you that at least twice. Also, why are they held to higher standards than any other race after a war?

Excuses excuses.

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Yes, literally all the group, at least that the Alliance knew about, were fighting them. Probably the only ones not doing so were the Frostwolves but I dont even think they knew about them, hence why Thrall managed to get to them without being caught.

I would think it was a combination of the two.

Which one? The orcs?

Again, the orcs should blame their current allies for how they were treated. They were largely responsible for it.

Damn those murderous children.

Yeah, don’t see the humans imprisoning whole kingdoms when they have their own wars, even though they’re likely to attack again.

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tbf I still think the orc internment camps were less unjustified than the whole expansionist pograms against the Trolls, which only really stopped slowed due to WC1.

If the orcs deserve eradication, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves deserve the same because they’ve all absolutely done the exact same thing, just without the excuse of being manipulated into it by an external cosmic power.

Hence why I said:


There were not any humans were(yet) at that point. Maybe there would have been if the Horde didnt invade.

There were no children left because guldan aged them up. The kids in the camp were likely born there.

And you still damn them for the sins of others.


If they were blonde haired, blue eyed humans he would be singing a different tune. Which is the saddest part

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What part of I want Arthas to pay for his crimes did you not get? But that if Sylvanas can be redeem so should he.

If this all I wanted then I would say the internment camps were the wrong choice and they entire orcish race should have been executed.

If the Alliance was not battered by enemies(like the remaining free orcs), dealing with dragons and its own internal problems maybe it would have had the resources to deal with the internment but that was not the state of the Alliance at the time.

We can always have another faction war and see who ends up afterwards?