Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

I think without capturing Talanji she would have reach Sylvanas, Sylvanas would likely have found a way to manipulate the situation to get what she wants(hell, maybe even assassinate Rastkahan if it meant her more pliable daughter was in change and blame it on the Alliance)

I think the partnership would have sped up. And alternate take is Sylvanas realizes she needs the fleets, dedicates more resources to the Zandalari cause and without the Alliance to distract her gotten Rastkahan favor sooner before the Alliance could get Kul Tiras to join.

Except it isn’t, considering the Zandalari as a civilization have been around longer then the Elves and Humans both as a species? The Elves had to steal Amani magic; originally the Amani’s magic was stronger.

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What are you talking about?

Not really true. Chronicle’s chapter on humans was discussed long before the Zandalari rose. The curse of flesh had created humans(or at least proto humans) long before Zandalar arose.

Edit: Human children born of vrykul? And Ymiron ordered the deaths of all human offspring?

So, the curse of flesh did make humans and thus it means they were in existance long before the troll empires rose.

That’s what we have.


Dark trolls are not Zandalari trolls. The Dark Trolls are extinct aside from one. End of story.

The first arcanum that came to be were apparently created by the trolls and stolen by the high elves during their conquest of Quel’Thalas. The elves, well versed in the ways of magic, could not understand why the troll’s weapon enchantments of voodoo were stronger than the elven magic. As a solution, they stole magic and knowledge from troll spellcasters such as Zanza and imbued them into idols to create their own enchantments against the trolls. These enchantments were called “Arcanum”

h ttps://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Augment#Arcanum

Proto humans = / = the kingdoms of Dalaran, Stormwind, etcetera.

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Apperently there is no “proto” humans. As per that quest it was just “human children born to vrykul”

Their enchantment magic was certain better then the elves. But apparently raw strength and power overwhelmed the trolls considering that is what happened during the troll wars.

I wouldn’t say this completely; the trolls were overwhelming the elves in the Troll Wars to the point that the elves -had- to get the humans help for survival’s sake, said humans only agreeing to help them if they taught 100 magi magic. These 100 magi proceeded to cause a very lethal Fourth of July fireworks show at the Alterac Mountains.

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Funny enough, yeah. He did. Than tried some weird pivot to try and justify Arthas and his purge of Stratholme.

It’s more sad than amusing at this point though


Zerde’s statement isn’t even true, we have an actual rough date for when Ymiron ordered the death of the new mishapen vrykul infants aka humans. And that’s 15k years ago, we’ve known this since wotlk.
The thing is that chronicle is not perfectly following a chronological set up either, it’s also based on relevancy to the subject, otherwise you’d have an insane mix of night elf, mogu, troll history just jumbled up instead of neat chapters. Or did night elves arise after Lei shen died 12.2k years ago as well? Their chapter appear after that one so who knows /S.

That said don’t interact with Zerde, there’s no logic to his thinking, although that’s not unusual to these forums.


Dark Trolls are derived from Zandalari trolls — As the Zandalari were the earliest known trolls to exist — “The first tribe from which all tribes originated.”

  • Source: Vol’jin: Shadows of the Horde, pg. 200

And it’s also stated that out of all the tribes that eventually formed in grand Kalimdor, the Zandalari had also remained the most powerful.

  • Source: Chronicles Volume 1, pg. 70

So ultimately yeah, your argument of →

:point_up_2: Is still mute, given that the trolls who first lorded over great Kalimdor are evidently still not extinct.

:sparkles: “End of Story” :sparkles:


Where the heck did people get this 15k year ago that the curse of flesh started? I checked the wiki and it references Chronicles page 60-61…except all of the first chapter of chronicles DOES NOT have a date(which includes the portion about the curse of flesh)

And I am pretty sure Wrath has never given us a date on when the curse of flesh started to spread. All we know is the Vrykul gave birth to humans(based on that vision quest from the Alliance side)

Edit: so this was from the quest from that draenei shaman. All it says is he saw visions from 15,000 year(and he might simply be wrong), not that the curse had only started then/that the humans were only beginning to be born then.

The only sad thing is you would justify what the Horde did using Arthas’ very logic. Pathethic in fact considering how much you consider Arthas irredeemable.

Nobody but you is trying to justify purging an entire city zerde

You’re at least right about you being in pathetic about it

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You just justified stealing ships and murdering Alliance by the Horde because it was for the “greater good”, how do you think Arthas went about justifying letting innocent people get killed for the “greater good”? What a hypocrite.

Always am.

Fixed for you.

that’s just lazy


It’s soo sad how childish your being because you are wrong

Fourteenth time, nobody but YOU is trying desperately to justify arthas


the only cool thing about arthas was frostmourne so i guess it was good that he got to pick it up.


I remember right after BfA launched…. when I first set foot in Dazaralor… I was thinking:

“Holy hell… this place is designed like a raid zone. It’s going to be raided isn’t it…”

And then it was.

I am no Gamer, I am not at all involved in the design end - a laymen, as it were, when it comes to game design. But even I could tell the whole place smacked of being basically the Jabroni base.

It is a game after all, and game play does come first. But it really slaps you in the face, sometimes.

Okay that means nothing. The dark Trolls are separate and dead now.

There is literally no depravity or atrocity he would not justify as long as the perpetrator had a blue lion insignia and the victims weren’t humans or elves