Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

Wow I didnt realize you subscribe to Arthas’ morals and now support his Purge of Stratholme. Good job.

You post this after going after the idea that the lack of resources in Durotar that in part inspired Garrosh’s rampage (which yes, was bad) was a crisis of the Alliance’s own creation?


Classic zerde moment


But Garrosh didnt just want the Horde to survive, he wanted more then that he was going to steal as much resource as he could so the orcs would Thrive. Heck, he wanted to turn Ashenvale into a SECOND horde city preferably under his name.

Reading comprehension is hard for you, I know. Nothing I said remotely suggests Arthas was in the right for anything he did


You have literally gone with a “a few innocents are ok to die for the greater good” which is Arthas’ whole morality. Hypocrisy considering how often you condemned Arthas.

Purging a city full of innocents far different from stealing a few boats and killing a handful of soldiers zerde

Really shouldn’t be this difficult for even someone like you to understand


Killing innocent is the same regardless. You juatify their deaths because the Horde someone does more good. Hypocrisy.

It wouldn’t be the best, we actually already know how that would have ended. The world erupts in total war and all of the blue dragons sans Kalecgos would have died.


I mean when someone’s starving they don’t dream of just enough food to survive, they dream of more than enough food.

Again, there’s a difference between defending actions and pointing out the contributing factors. Garrosh did a bad thing, but the Alliance set up the conditions for it to happen by deforesting durotar and then cutting off the trade they needed during a time where things were scarcer than normal. Would Garrosh have the support he had if the orcs had enough?

Why do you keep framing military forces the same as civilians?


I was talking on a hypothetical considering Kera was going on about how innocent people are ok for the greater good.

Because they’re alliance and Zerde has made it quite clear over the years that he wished the game was called World of Alliancecraft and there would be no playable horde faction in his version of the game


I could’ve sworn Zerde’s previously held up the view that everyone really would’ve been better off if Jaina actually had wiped out the horde with her wave.


Again zerde, I know reading compression isn’t your strong suit. A few boats full of SOLDIERS, is not the same as killing innocent people

Try to at least have a basic understanding of what’s being said

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He also claimed several times the horde should’ve moved to Northrend and than just died off there

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The “condition” didnt happen until after Deathwing popped up. Sure Durotar might have been less stretch had Daelin not destroyed those forest. but that was never Garrosh’s goal. He didnt just want his people not to starve. He wanted his people to expand. Heck if Garrosh just wanted lumber he could have chopped up Narthalex’s little jungle project and save both factions the trouble.

Why, are military forces no longer innocent simply because they have to fight someone who attacked them first?

You and Treng are nothing but bullies who have nothing but poisonous words. And in your particular case I cant believe how blind you are not to notice your argument about how justify that Alliance soldiers die/that stealing is ok is nothing more than Arthas’ justfication for the attrocities he committed.

It was less extreme after WC3, but it seems as DW was waking up things started getting worse gradually before the cataclysm, but it doesn’t take long of people not having enough to cause unrest.

They’re military forces. And maybe the Alliance shouldn’t have been enslaving innocent people indefinitely for the sins of some of them. (those in the camps who didn’t participate in the war) if they didn’t want to deal with them deciding enough was enough.

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Even Antonidas didnt want to enslave them and was actively trying to find a cure but all the problems that external forces(like Deathwing and the Lich King) were plaguing the Alliance. Not to mention the cost of the war the Horde caused and the trouble the free orcs were causing the Alliance.

It was still an indefinite slavery, including organized gladiator fighting, and it really doesn’t make any sense for only one person to be doing that, you’re going to have a ring where people fight their slaves against each other for profit.

There’s areas of EK they could have just banished the orcs to and contained them and monitored them without the built in profit margin the camps had, but chose to just keep them. And then those slaves decided that they had enough and noped out of there away from them completely.

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A couple boats being stolen and a few soldiers dying doesn’t mean anyone is justifying what Arthas did or agreeing with his actions

It really really shouldn’t be this difficult for you.