Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

Their reparations were in lore too. The damn tree is in lore. And they got to punish Sylvanas and kill Nathanos who were behind it all. We don’t owe them anything else. Wasn’t our idea.

Why should they? So the Alliance has more? They can keep crying about it.

  1. The Horde didn’t build the tree.

  2. Sylvanas is coming back anytime now.

  3. You keep switching from talking about the faction in-universe and talking about players.

There are morally gray conflicts in WoW, and then there’s the Horde invading Ashenvale.

I didn’t say we did. But I doubt that like your fanon that we did nothing since our NPCs seem to think differently about it.

Nothing has been said about this.

And in universe we apparently still worked together. Somehow that magically happened without us being involved.

Which was over resources. Sometimes war is like that.


One I will admit to being a bit cross about is how a large chunk of the Forsaken leadership who were 100% on team Sylvanas just got off scott-free. Belmont comes to mind in particular, given he was the mastermind behind the blighting of Darkshore and the Kaldorei internment camps.

I know the answer is they lack developed characters to replace all the ones they should get rid of, but it is still annoying.


So it’s not reparations.

I never said they did nothing. But they didn’t build it, and it’s not reparations if the other side helps.

It’s pretty obvious especially after the Undead heritage storyline.

Yeah we all know the Alliance screwed the Night Elves out of any reparations. The factions are on good terms, yet the Night Elves aren’t.

It’s not morally gray to start a war over resources.

It absolutely is.

Didn’t have to build it. It was a seed that grew.

All she does is address her loyalists. It doesn’t confirm that she’ll be back soon.


Awkward bit there is much of its power to grow into a tree came from all the civilians the Horde sort of… murdered in cold blood by burning them alive.

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I think Belmont’s punishment is now having to work with Calia and work for peace instead of blight and war. :laughing:


No and no. Also the Horde didn’t even officially send their champions to save the tree.

She literally says she wants to be back, and Blizzard has a track record of bringing back characters they shelved.

They have this whole Lilian working with Shandris stuff, and Thrall, Baine and everyone showing up to face Fyrakk who was threatening the tree.

Eventually but we have no idea when. I feel like it could be Midnight but none of us know.


Even if we assume they’re their on behalf of the Horde Council, reparations literally implies fixing your own problem, not helping against a different one. It honestly means nothing if they still keep Ashenvale.

She’s coming back anytime now is what I’m saying.

Part of the reason that Amidrassil became to begin with is because Teldrassil burned. And because of all of this they will be getting Teldrassil back. There is no way to bring back people from the burning. The ones that put the plan into place faced their punishment. There is nothing more that can be done. Unless you find Gallywix too and punish or kill him.

There’s more. They can leave Ashenvale, which they conquered during WoT, but they chose not to.

No they won that through war. And it has nothing to do with the tree. They’ll get back their tree and can stop complaining. It’s taken Belves over 20 years to get Silvermoon rebuilt. They might have to wait the same. You don’t see Belves crying for reparations. Arthas is dead, the Legion only gone for now. The Alliance welcomed those that worked with them into their faction. But we aren’t wanting them to face consequences for that.


You don’t see Belves crying for reparations… from Chaotic Evil zombies? Lol, how disingenuous. Both factions accepted the Knights of the Ebon Blade, who’s entire purpose was to atone for their actions.

How is that disingenuous?

Right and the Forsaken who did the same. For the most part.

And we did when with the Nelves when we helped their tree. That doesn’t mean giving back territories. The Alliance should not fully get to win everything because of something that happened to Nelves.


We’re going in circles. It’s laughable to ask why Belves aren’t asking for reparations from the Scourge. The Forsaken were also Mced and literally nobody blames them for destroying Silvermoon.

And as long as the Horde keeps illegitimate land, the Night Elves are in the right to fight for it. I don’t want a Horde that’s blatantly in the wrong but apparently you do.

Because we aren’t acting like victims of them. Apparently you want Nelves to act like victims of the Horde.

It was won through war. It’s legitimate.

They can certainly try.

I’m fine with everyone being flawed and fine with the game being about war. I don’t need them to be perfect and nice.

  1. They were resources that they only needed due to the Alliance destroying their jungle out of spite to begin with.

  2. If you thought Garrosh started the Cata war wholesale you’re a dummy. Varian invaded Horde lands and kidnapped thrall before Garrosh lifted a finger.


No it was a punishment from Thrall.

No one was talking about the whole Cata War.