Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

Yeah I can’t believe someone actually said that. Leaders owe reparations for previous War Crimes, and in the U.S.‘s case, you can’t get on one of the major parties’ ballots unless you ARE or WILL BE involved in war crimes. Rubbish indeed.

That said, the Horde would probably have to owe reparations for Teldrassil and other things if this were irl. But that’s not a fun thing to be told in a video game. Especially since the genocide wasn’t under Horde players’ control.

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Yeah, twist & paint it all you want each time, but it’s still really just a new form of hypocrisy.

You yourself said:

But when you mention the Man’ari onto that same song of yours, you suddenly start creating justifications and whistling a different tune …

As for →

We quite literally:

  • Signed an armistice
  • And helped save Amirdrassil

“Haven’t even bothered” Tsch :joy: lol

Additionally, Darkshore was already won by the Alliance – So there’s not really anything to “give back” unless you want them to give away what wasn’t entirely theirs completely to begin (From between War of the Thorns to the conclusion of BFA).


But according to Chronicle, the Horde had to give up nothing cause of the armistice, meaning the Night Elves get no land back. Second paragraph.


Yeah, but lands-aside it’s still a start – They ‘bothered’ to make efforts on mending things. :person_shrugging:

Also I’d addressed the lands part, as I mentioned later →

Asking for land back is the bare minimum. Otherwise it’s a pathetic armistice and the Night Elves were in the right not to sign it.

So you don’t think Ashenvale should be given back?

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Ashenvale was already being poked somewhat by the Horde, along with already having a few of their own encampments there even prior to the War of Thorns — They hadn’t owned its entirety, but they certainly didn’t own nothing at all …

I’d wager if the Nightelves asked for Ashenvale, they’d plead the entirety and get stingy on the Horde for using any lumber whatsoever and probably even go as far as declaring them as scum who need to be wiped out from “breaking the armistice” for merely edging along its borders.

:thinking: That being said, personally?

From a narrative perspective – I’d love for the Nightelves to push the Horde HARD out of Ashenvale and setup a large night-elf architecture themed barrier-wall on the borders akin to what the Tauren had done with Mulgore, along with Mor’shan Base Camp utterly destroyed with dead littered everywhere and having orc skulls dangling from the errected gate with a sign: “HORDE BEWARE!” :exclamation:

This would give the Night Elves some oomph back, along with providing both the Horde and the Alliance some juicier quest-potential when venturing into Ashenvale. :grin:

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So, out of sheer curiosity, what zone is the horde going to invade or take over for their lumber operations?

Depriving the horde out of a content zone with no means to replace it with another zone is severely shortsighted.

I’m more inclined to say no to the whole ashenvale situation. It only hurts the horde, they loose even more quests and it does nothing to improve the overall situation regarding the horde

I mean Zerde was saying the Horde didn’t give back any of the land they conquered, and that’s true.


From my idea stated, I meant purely from a narrative & story-progression / writing perspective. :person_shrugging:

So it’d force the Horde to push back into Ashenvale to reattain a lumber supply, so they don’t have to solely rely on Azshara & the Barrens alone – and it would also cause the Night Elves to retaliate in preventing them from doing such.

Overall it would render the armistice into a grey area of who’s in the wrong because to the Night Elves it’s the Horde who are in the wrong, and to the Horde the Nightelves would be.

Yeah, I wasn’t really disputing that part of the comment, but more-so the former half — On the subject of the Horde’s bothering towards making any atoning acts whatsoever.


I’ll have to look it up again, but I think both sides did give up territory that was conquered on kul’tiras and zandalar respectively.

Only territory taken before the fourth war both sides were allowed to keep

IIRC I think it was something to do with each of their respective footholds established in each nation, like whether or not they had to disband or got to keep it — but apart from that the lands remained the same? :thinking: I could be wrong on that part, however from what I recall that was the more or lest gist of it.

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LMFAO! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I gathered up souls for their seed and did chores in Amirdrassil. That’s enough. I had already defected from Sylvanas anyway and still had to do that crap.

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And the reason for that was the equal out the spaces for the factions.

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This already happened, kinda… and the Horde started a war as a result.

Following the Incident at the Wrath Gate, with Putress and his forsaken followers betraying the Horde and Alliance, the Night Elves exclusively blamed the Horde and this brought us the incident seen in Cataclysm, where the Night Elves, as a result of the Wrath Gate incident, denied trade with the Horde, and denied them access in Ashenvale.

When the Cataclysm then struck, the Horde lands was devastated and food came hard to come by. The lack of trade and access to fertile land such as Ashenvale, lead to a situation where the orcs was steadily heading towards famine. The Night Elves had essentially kicked the orcs out of Ashenvale because they blamed the acts of Putress and Varimathras on the Horde entirely. This of course angered the orcs, some of which acted upon their anger and brutally killed some Night Elves and strung them up. This put Thrall, as the warchief at the time, in a precarious dilemma, because the diplomatic route would be to hand over the guilty orcs, but from a leadership position, this would present him as a weak warchief and could create even more chaos within Orgrimmar which would create more chaos anyhow, so Thrall refused to deliver the guilty ones.

Thrall had to leave for the maelstrom, Garrosh became warchief and had to try and solve all of the crap that Thrall just left behind. Vol’jin, who was supposed to advice Garrosh was an advice and left. Tauren druids tried to negotiate on behalf of the orcs, but twillight’s hammer agents disguised as Horde members attacked the druids meeting and killed them, this was also blamed on Garrosh and Cairne also blamed it on Garrosh, Cairne died and Garrosh eventually decided to go to war to take Kalimdor for the Horde.

So, we did have a situation where the Night Elves kicked the Horde out of Ashenvale, and it ended up in the war we see in Cataclysm and then Mists of Pandaria.

Garrosh’ initial war is also the only one of the Horde’s I find to be totally fair and justifiable, up until the destruction of Theramore and what happened after. Everyone was punching and kicking Garrosh repeatedly, all based on their previous experience with him, instead of actually treating him as and talking to him as the political head of an entire organisation. They just straight up treated him as a villain and rapid dog from the get go, rather than actually trying to talk to him. He already had crap he inherited from Thrall, and he was given even more crap just because he was him.

  1. For all we know that could’ve been Alliance players.

  2. The Horde never sanctioned this.

What? I’m saying Ashenvale is Night Elf land and the Night Elve were perfectly right not to sign an armistice which gives it up.


Why would the Horde give the Night Elves anything when the Night Elves continued the fourth war whilst the Alliance did not?

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I was forced to do it. That’s enough confirmation for me.

I’m speaking on why Blizz decided to give up some areas to Horde. I’m not saying Night Elves aren’t right.

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I guess to prove they are better than Sylvanas. But we all know that is not how nations work. Nations do not give up anything unless they are either forced to or it becomes in their best interest.

…in reality, a peace deal which demanded no reparations would be unheard of.

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I’m saying the Horde would have to owe reparations from an irl perspective. Individual champions choosing to free souls is irrelevant to that. Teldrassil can never be fixed in-universe.

The Horde doesn’t even want to give up land they conquered, so it doesn’t sound like they cared anyway lol.