Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

Again, because I know reading comprehension is hard for you. Taran Zu doesn’t even call theramore a genocide. He just says genocide. And for the third time, Theramore is not a genocide, nor has it been confirmed to be a genocide by blizzard.

One NPC is not the word of god.


Yeah, the story certainly beats Garrosh over the head with it; although I will admit that quote is funny because it completely ignores the fact Theramore was funneling troops into the Barrens, building a highway to make military movement into the Southern Barrens easier, destroying Horde settlements, the Northwatch Expeditionary Unit besieging the Great Gate protecting Mulgore…


Then my point still stands. The Horde, Thrall’s Horde. Has committed multiple genocides.

Because then it would go to the WHY Jaina was doing it, which was to support her allies from Garrosh’s aggression. It would ultimately boil down to another attempt from Garrosh’s wanton destruction.

No it hasn’t. Thrall’s Horde has never committed ‘multiple genocides.’

That would be more sensible then just ignoring Theramore’s attacks on Horde territory entirely.


No, Thralls horde DID NOT commit multiple genocides or any genocide for that matter. You are referring to Garroshs’ Horde. Sylvanas did commit one though. And that’s the one you keep getting confused about apparently


They are the same Horde. Same organization, same iconography, same leader. A change of the head of government does not suddenly mean you are a new organization. Does the change of president suddenly mean all the crimes committed by the previous administrations gets to suddenly be washed away?

Garrosh’s Horde is NOT Thralls horde

They ARE NOT the same horde. They ARE NOT the same leadership. And they are two entirely different Warchiefs. GARROSH IS NOT Thrall.


Except it wasn’t the same leader?
Vanilla-WoTLK: Thrall
Cataclysm-MoP: Garrosh
WoD: Vol’jin
Legion-BFA: Sylvanas


So if tommorow the US suddenly has a new president then people can no longer blame the US for all the attrocities committed under its name by their former leaders?

Unironically, yes.

Later, Baine would think that Tyrande should have accepted that. But the
night elf could not leave well enough alone. Jaina was Tyrande’s final, best
witness. The Accuser would henceforth be confined to follow-up questioning,
and it was clear she wanted to end on a strong note. And so, she asked one
question too many. “Or like the Horde?"

Jaina went very still. Tyrande waited. After a moment, she prompted,
“Lady Jaina? My question was, do you wish to never, ever be like the Horde?”
And Jaina—battered, angry, wounded, devastated, honest Jaina—replied
simply, “The Horde isn’t Garrosh.”

They can, because freedom of speech and all that. But are they right? No.


So then everyone should stop complaining and asking for reparation for the damage of former US administrations because the US now has a new president?

You heard it from her folks. In 4 months the US can wash itself of its sordid affairs like its history with slavery or its treatment of LGBTQ+ people because they have a new leader. Rubbish.

But Taurajo was stated to be a valid military target due to training hunters to hunt, skin, and tan hides.

Theramore was a military barracks aiding, preparing, and housing the Alliance military in their direct invasion of Horde Sovereign Territory.

You’re a hypocrite, and so is whoever spoke in Warcrimes.


It is hypocrisy – Which you’ve just repeated.
Even by the account of lore.

“Under the Horde banner” – Whilst bound to the will of the Legion?
So which is it. The people, or the Legion.


  • The Eredar & the Horde are blameless from their actions under the will of the Legion.


  • The Eredar and the Horde are just as bad as each-other for both their actions committed towards the Legion’s ambitions.

You can choose one or the other, but you have to include the Eredar in both. :upside_down_face:

To which I mentioned

:point_up_2: To bolster that argument — The Horde literally led a rebellion against Garrosh to end his reign and later even had a civil war to confront Sylvanas in ending hers, to which it was outright confirmed via lore the Horde were deceived by Sylvanas.

But you earlier said if the Eredar renounced their former-leaders they’re absolved of those sins & crimes? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So by your logic (yet again) — Given the Horde had renounced Garrosh, they’re free of those sins! :grin: So I guess you can cross that off the list of sins too! :partying_face:


Theramore was a CITY aiding in repulsing a direct Horde Invasion of Alliance Sovereign Territory.

Fixed that for you.

Correction, if they renounce their former ORGANIZATION, the Horde continue to remain the Horde and continue to honor a genocidal organization.

Theramore was a military staging point training, aiding, and preparing the alliance military’s literally unlawful invasion of Horde Sovereign Territory.

Valid military target.

If Taurajo was a valid military target for training hunters to hunt, it was objectively correct to destroy Theramore for training, aiding, and abetting the invasion of Horde Sovereign Territory.

You’re a liar and a hypocrite.


The same could be said of Ogrimmar. It was used to train, aid and prepare the Horde military to invade Sovereign Alliance territory.

Then Jaina would objectively be correct in wanting to drown Ogrimmar. Or is only valid when the Horde does it?

You are the liar and hypocrite here.

I don’t know about “destroy,” but cities are definitely a valid military target for a siege at least.

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Yeah, that’s my point.
The Alliance’s dumb plucker claim that Taurajo is a valid military target makes anything that vaguely aids the military a valid military target.

It was a camp that trained hunters to hunt, skin, and tan hides.
That’s it.

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I mean they did. They renounced what they stood for during those times and moved forward to evolve, reform and change it …

You seem to be very vocal & focal on the name ‘The Horde’ and convinced into making the self-assertion that: ‘If its the same name = Then its the same cause & intent.’


Changing your leader does not suddenly change your organization nor make you no longer culpable for pass misdeed.

And before you bring up the Man’ari again just because you allow someone the chance to redeem themselves doesnt mean you are now accepting culpability for what they previously did when they were part of your organization.

And yet some in the Horde would let Slyvanas back into it once she cleans out The Maw. Heck, they havent even bothered atoning for it/giving the night elves back their lands.