Talanji should have asked both factions for aid instead of only one

Not genocides genius


Garrosh was charged with genocide, genuis. So yeah, his actions(and by extension the Horde) in Pre-MoP was considered one.

Bombing a city is genocide and neither is capturing one

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Again, warcrimes had already confirmed Garrosh’s(and by extension the Horde) guilt in genocide. Take it up with Taran Zhu then.

they aren’t genocides, you can’t call em genocides cause the charge of genocide does not specify one, the charge could very well mean killing all the things at northrend

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No you can’t.


One could argue that Theramore and Gilneas happened under Garroshs’ horde. He was the warchief after all and most of those that held onto the ideals of Thralls leadership rebelled against Garrosh. Such as Vol’jin, Baine and Lor’themar. Sylvanas had different reasons for opposing Garrosh. Like sending her people into a meat grinder. Sadly Nazgrim was blinded by honour to rebel against Garrosh. Even though he knew how far his warchief had fallen.

Likewise Teldrassil can be argued to be done under Sylvanas’ Horde. And once again, those that held to the ideals of Thralls Horde rebelled against her as they did with Garrosh.

I mean Garrosh did not consider those who rebelled against him as part of HIS horde and he was still the Warchief.


There is no “third or fourth” Horde. The new Horde of Thrall has been the same since with the same leaders/people in it.

Then regardless, multiple genocide occured. One with Garrosh and one with Sylvanas, genuis. So more then 1.

It definitely wasn’t the same with either Garrosh nor Sylvanas at the helm and that’s why they were rebelled against.


Casually reminding everyone that Zerde is strictly and only a liar:


If anything, it just proves the current Horde is tied inexorably to the orginal Horde! That Thrall and Vol’jin Horde were “fake” and that the Horde has always been the one from Blackhand.

Also, you can’t count. I acknowledge that Thrall’s Horde could be considered a “second” but that is it. And now Thrall’s Horde is not even a true Horde and it’s Sylvanas(and one can argue Garrosh) that truly carry the legacy of the Horde.

No it doesn’t. It is the True Horde. Thrall and Vol’jin’s Horde was never fake, it was always legitimate. Any other Horde like the Dark Horde in Vanilla or Fel Horde in TBC would be considered the ‘fake’ Horde. It does not paint the picture you are suggesting. Saurfang expressed disgust and did not hide the reality of the Horde (Old Horde) that he joined, all their “we’re leaving our world so we can survive on a new world” aside. Thrall and Vol’jin are not the inheritors to Blackhand’s legacy because neither were like Blackhand even remotely – Sylvanas at the time of BFA’s writing, was.


Reminder that ONLY Teldrassil is confirmed by blizzard to be an actual genocide. Theramore was not, regardless of how many times unreliable narrators in the story claim it to be one. Blizz themselves never calls it a genocide.

So Lying Zerde is caught lying yet again.


There’d need to be unreliable narrators that call it a genocide to begin with for that to be the case – War Crimes does accuse Garrosh of genocide, but it does not explicitly state “Theramore is a genocide.” It’s quite likely that since War Crimes put everything his allies did onto him, such as the “forced pregnancy” (quote from the book itself referring to The Dragonmaw and Alexstrasza), that it was also counting what the Dragonmaw had done on Draenor (the genocide of the Draenei.) I’ve also never seen or heard of anyone in the story outright going “Theramore was a genocide.” outside of War Crimes.


Taran Zhu continued: “The charges are as follows: Genocide. Murder. Forcible transfer of population. Enforced disapperance of individuals.”

Even if no one has considered it a genocide story wise, the events that occured was a genocide.

I would also point out this started by Giru, that if we disregard the RTS then the Horde has only ever participated in one genocide. This clearly proves he was wrong. There was another genocide, whether it be Theramore or what have you would be irrelivant…

Also Theramore itself cannot be a genocide because the people had evacuated before the bomb dropped.

Zerde’s brain doesn’t work sometimes.


Except not everyone was evacuated. Or did you not see all the Theramore citizens captured by the Horde? Not to mention there was still a civilian garrison left helping the soldiers. The Horde did not care who it killed.

No it wasn’t, Theramore’s destruction was always just the destruction of a military stronghold (and as many Alliance military figures that Garrosh could lure there as possible) right on Garrosh’s doorstep.


A smattering of people dying =/= a genocide.
I know you know this, because you don’t consider Taurajo (or even DAZAR’ALOR THE CAPITAL CITY OF THE ZANDALARI EMPIRE) a genocide.


“The wanton destruction of cities, towns and villages not justified by military or civilian neccesity.”
The Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

This was mentioned in Warcrimes. So yeah, even if Theramore was not a genocide, it was still a warcrime.