Take Your Character to the Next Level with Hero Talents

Magic :right_anger_bubble: :boom: alakazam :dracthyr_shrug:

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I guess just goes out in daylight :dracthyr_shrug:

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Personally I took my Hunter to the dump.
But Warlocks and DKs are pretty damn good.

Class Skins would have been a better way to go, Blizzard.


You need to work on the DH and Rogue, their HTs seem to have been made just because you couldn’t not make them, shameful. :poop:

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Can we please get a Monk tier set that resembles the armor depicted in the Conduit of the Celestials icon? Pretty please?

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Dark Ranger needs a rework, the fact that it has stayed the same from preview on alpha and until launch is insane… Black Arrow should have replaced Arcane Shot/Cobra Shot to actually make you feel like a dark ranger, right now you shoot 1 black arrow every 30 sec, extremely disappointing.


Considering the trash state of the existing talents rework, I’m considerably less than enthusiastic.“Class Fantasy”? Whose, I wonder. I’ve been playing this game since the launch beta and I’m convinced that many of the current devs don’t even play the game. Unimaginative and talentless.


And damage is bad one of all the hero talents for hunter 2 are trash one is meh

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Really hard to feel any level of excitement about this for DH. Aldrachi is still an abomination that needs to be reworked entirely, fel-scarred is exactly the same in terms of design as it was when it was revealed, and neither the class tree or havoc tree have been touched at all (vengeance only slightly). It honestly just feels like dragonflight season 5.

What do you need a strong fast peon for? Us heros do best with weak distressed peons who need saving!

So many heroes, so few peons.

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In retail;Yes. You won’t be the hero that saved a failed raid or a lowwbie that was getting ganked and corpse camped by a pack of quest mobs.

In remix however, get your cloak up around 300k threads and you can.

The hero fantasy was alot more fun in remix.

Now it’s back to being just another peasant in retail :frowning:


I just spent the last two weeks hunting down and collecting soOOOOO many new pets, Banthalos and Ghostcrawler, to terropene all the MOP ones and so on. I love it!

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Balance Druid “Hero” talents? What’s so heroic about the “Hero” talents? Feels like some passive stuff added, modified the damage of the Treants we had since TBC and the Pulsar nerf pre-patch.


Thankfully we get them all by level 80 so there’s no way to “do it wrong”.

Personally, I prefer passives at this point. I have enough buttons already.


Not enough visual flare on these talents.

Dark Ranger is so undercooked.

No Blade Master is a crime.

No proper pirate themed talent for Outlaw Rogue.

Please make Hero Talents better Blizz.

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Doesn’t really matter what any of us say at this point. This entire article is the designers congratulating themselves on such a job well done and announcing their excitement and success.


Don’t blame the devs. While in all likelihood few play the game much (being a serious wow player was not a job requirement), the blame for design choices belongs to the planners.

The first node is unlocked at 71, yes, but you also get a point to spend at 71. So you do only get 10 points total, but the first node is ‘free’ so in a way you technically get two points at 71.