Take Your Character to the Next Level with Hero Talents

I need a [peon], I’m holdin’ out for a [peon] 'til the end of the night. He’s gotta be strong and he’s gotta be fast and he’s gotta be fresh from the fight.

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Some hero talents are awesome, while others are pretty bad. It’s really obvious that some hero talents got more effort than others.


This will just be more hellish “follow the meta or never get in a key” crap. It’s a bad design space given the state of the game.


It means it’s not a temporary system, it’s meant to stay around for multiple expansions/forever unless they decide to rework the trees majorly.


I’m having a really hard time getting excited about the hero talent trees. I would have rather had them add additional talents to the talent trees themselves and just gave us the extra 10 talent points.


The post says there are eleven nodes and you get the first node unlocked at level 71 and one point per level after that, getting all points by level 80. That’s ten points.

Do you get two talent points at level 71 when the system unlocks or do you get the last two points at 80? If you do not get two points at either the beginning or the end, then where does the eleventh point come from?


Some of you people need to release that iterations can happen with the upcoming patches like Jesus you people think stuff won’t change within these upcoming patch’s post-launch?

Still a bit sad to me that the hero trees just pop up, no supporting class related fluff or quest or nothing. Not a big deal, just a bit disappointing


10 extra points in the current trees would have been fine.

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Great feature. Lot of people in the comments here are dumb. Class Fantasy, new mechanics, and more gameplay variety is nothing to complain about.

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Some specs have been missing VFX since Hero talents were released. Morgan Day, in an interview, admitted that visuals may be revisited in later patches because the system is evergreen and meant to last well beyond TWW. That’s the most acknowledgment players have had to missing visuals.

So while I can expect that they’ll be added later, why is that acceptable? This is the shiny new feature of the expansion, and it’s shipping incomplete?


Yeah uh, that is debatable in quite a few case :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

As someone who loves Beast Masters in fantasy settings, I’m pretty excited about the Pack Leader hero talents for Hunters. I’ll be choosing that for this character when they’re available as I love the whole BM Hunter theme and animals in general. :smiley:

-12 days (8 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

I’d say most classes got a W from this?

Why do you and everyone like you want everything to be on the expansion day one when everyone with a brain would know it’s impossible in an mmo? Even though they had many days and months and or weeks or hell years developing something like this takes time and time is not on their side most of the time.

For the specs I like to play, none of them seem overwhelmingly attractive. Demos of the different hero trees would have been useful in this case.

Like… what is a Lightsmith? The description doesn’t really tell me much to be honest. So I guess I’ll go with Templar since my brain has references that it can relate to.

“Attractive” why does it have to be? And plus they did somewhat said something along the line of not changing your main class or spec all that much.

Some things, like balance & tuning, will always be done after the product launches. Art should not be missing.

VFX are done by the art team. The art assets should be in the game when it launches. Are you saying its okay for the Ringing Deeps to be missing art assets because they’ll eventually be added?

Care to elaborate on this?


Okay, this is not a fair comparison because you are comparing zone art assets to class related assets and so zones will always comes first before class and talents ability. And plus hero talents and or specs have iterations that has to be implemented and so that is why some assets are delayed.

Zone design and its assets will be their top priority because that is more blatant than say class art assets in comparison.