Take Your Character to the Next Level with Hero Talents

Hero talents = borrowed power. I feel we have enough talents. It’s button bloat or forcing us to talent into stuff we wouldn’t take cause we don’t like it. Not a fan.

Just like I am not a fan of tier sets forcing X talent to have the spell either.

i believe it is a system that we will have in the future.
i think its gana be the level up reward for expansions. like normal talents, tree expanded here and there.

People aren’t dumb for having the opinion that this new “system” is bland and uninspired.

It’s 10 new talent points that have been separated from the regular talent trees and moved into the middle, that’s literally all they are dude.

You speak of class fantasy and yet my Troll Hunter never asked for Dark Ranger or Sentinel.

You speak of gameplay variety and yet each spec has two, count it TWO Hero talent options to choose from and one of those two will inevitably end up becoming meta within a few weeks post launch.

I’m sorry but my opinion is that these talents are boring and dumb, worst feature of the expansion by far and I have zero hype for it.


That won’t stop me from telling them how :poop:ty his work with my class has been.

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Nope , I am going to fish to make 3 gold per catch

how about reworking priest instead of forcing this halo stuff no one asked for

Frostfire. Was interested in this from the get go. Sounds nifty.

Hero Talents are new, self-contained talent trees

Except most of them aren’t and require taking talents in the actual talent tree.

Dark Ranger on paper seems like such an easy win. But it ended up being one of the blandest Hero spec of them all. Both from a mechanical and visual standpoint. It plays exactly the same as a DF MM hunter but with the addition of a very underwhelming DoT.

It’s a great new feature if your class had competent developers. This was not the case with Rogues.