Take a moment to thank Ion

Feel free to waste twelve hours of your life trying if you’re so inclined.

Spoiler alert though – at best, you’ll find me telling someone that “Azerite system sucks,” isn’t useful as feedback.

Except, you know, I’ve also given my feedback.

But you wouldn’t know that, I suppose.

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I remember that thread, it was the day after I called you out on how you never have an opinion that doesn’t align with what Blizzard does. I laughed pretty hard when I saw it.

Why do I get the feeling that you’re under the impression that posting a final draft of something I’d rewritten several times over the course of a week or two was prompted by you and you alone?

I’m sure you get a lot of feelings. Anyways, you have a good day. I have to step away and do some real life things. See you later.

You have a good day too. I’ll be waiting with baited breath for your inevitable return, so that I can continue throwing hug .gifs at you.

Sooooo back on topic. No, Ion took the helm after MoP and honestly the only reason Legion survived the terrible reputation of WoD and now BfA is because they stuffed it to the gills with “Rule of cool”. Keeping you busy and distracted with lots of neat and climatic things, only for them to have used it all up and we get BfA.

I would rather trust Hello Games to make WoW than Ion.

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…I’m not sure who this statement is being meaner to. Is that bad? I feel like that’s bad.

Creators of No Man’s Sky, if thats any indication. Though, in fairness, seems they have done a lot to bring it up since release.

Oh, I know who they are. I just don’t know if it’s meaner to Ion or to them to draw a comparison between the two.

Youre right, ill send an email to Hello Games and apologize at once.


This is what Ion and his team do. They remove/change things for no reason at all, then act like they’re “compromising” with the community when they realize the damage they’ve caused.

Then we get people like you who think Ion and his team of developers are actually doing something about the “problems,” but they’re just patting themselves on the back by adding a portion of what they removed two patches ago.


at least the creators of no mans sky had the courage to admit they made mistakes and continue working on the game to make it not a buggy mess anymore, following up on promises and listening heavily to community feedback.

Blizzard on the other hand “claims” to listen to their community when in reality they’re getting worse and worse with every iteration. 50 characters is the only good idea in recent times.

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The god has spoken

Now he only cares about banning cartoon frogs. Plus china inflated the numbers. Played for 1hr that = a sub

Honestly, I don’t even blame Hello Games for the failure and problems of No Man’s Sky. I blame Sony publishing. They most likely forced an early release date, and they did some shady crap pre-launch, like copyright striking YouTube channels that were covering the game’s alpha and beta issues.

Gonna be a ‘No’ from me dawg

Hey now!!! Somebody has to clean that stuff up!!! :joy:

Ion did good raid design (he was on the team for Ulduar). But actually designing the game itself? Not so much. Can you honestly say that the game is in a good state right now? I’d much rather Ion was just put in as the big kahuna of overall raid design and have someone else try to fix the mess he has helped create.