I have seen the hate this man takes, which is not cool. I am not defending the bad things (they are minor), but I am totally thinking of the recent changes we seem to over look.
We asked about all 50 characters on a single server…we’re getting it…that’s nice. They could have just said “nah sorry, not happening”
We asked about more transmogging options for years…they are finally looking into it. They could have just said, “Yeah, we hear you, but it’s not changing ever.”
We asked for a simpler way to play alts with the new azerite system, they gave us a nice (not perfect) compromise…exalted rep is account wide with Champions of Azeroth.
We wanted a way to better utilize the azerite gearing process…which again is not perfect and seems more trouble than it’s worth, but they compromised again. We got a vendor.
We were farming IE and it was boring, we got a better weekly grind system with a reward at the end. They compromised and made it more worthwhile.
I am just saying, none of this is perfect, but not everything is going to be the way we want. They are listening , things take time to cycle through and we should be grateful there is anything happening to this extent still after all these years. I don’t know how else to put it, someone will post here to complain and say I am a boot licker. They are taking steps to something great even after all these years.
He (along with Lore) created most of those problems in the first place. Giving compromises to the problems you created isn’t really that great.
I do like the 50 character server change though.
What bakes your noodle later on is…
“Would these great changes we get happen if people -didn’t- complain?”
Ion is the man with the plan, thank you Ion!
Lore is a joke though.
The thing people get annoyed over isn’t the fact that things don’t change. Most of us will readily acknowledge that they will, if given enough time.
The problem is that much of stuff that is only now being changed was stuff that beta testers brought up before the expansion even launched.
I’ll thank Ion when he removes the rest of the Transmog restrictions.
I wanna wear a Jack-o-lantern on my head all year around!
it doesn’t help when people like yourself argue over the smallest of technicalities with posters when they are trying to give feedback either, it turns a decent thread into a cesspool that CM’s doubtfully read.
As soon as he stops making bad game design decisions people will give less hate. You can’t implement bad ideas, tell everyone ‘it is what it is’ and there is nothing to be done about it - when you’re the literal guy who can do something about it.
That’s why he gets the big bucks.
Or the stock-options, anyway.
Not from a creeper like you, no.
You’re just so classy, I can’t help it.
The failed, and now being entirely reworked Azerite system is “the smallest of technicalities” to you?
His feedback is worth just as much as the OPs
I have more of a problem with hissy fit Lore than I do Ion at this point.
Thank him for what? Fixing issues he created himself and remained defensive on despite the community being against it?
I have nothing harmful to say to the devs, but this current dev team should look back to the Jeff Kaplan era of this game and take some notes.
Game Design under Jeff Kaplan peaked 12-13 million subs.
Honestly man, don’t bother. I don’t need help defending myself, and I don’t feel the need to do so with that individual, either.
Appreciate the support, though. 
My point went right over your head. if I dug through his post history there is no doubt I could find where he had argued in favor of the whole azerite system. The guy will argue with anyone who says anything against what Blizzard does.
You never know who is responsible for what behind the scenes, but all my least favorite things about WoW have happened under Ion’s watch. No, I won’t be thanking him any time soon.