Tailoring War Within WeaverCloth Drops issue

I am a level 72 mage with tailoring. I have been trying to farm humanoid creatures for cloth, and have spent over an hour on this attempt. My score? 3 weavercloth off of garlocs in over an hour. How am I supposed to get enough points in tailoring by using the recipes and skills to get it to 25 in order to even put points into the ability to get more cloth? If I was a less lazy person I would log my efforts and create a statistical spreadsheet to show the developers that this is crazy low drop rates and insane to expect tailors to be able to get anywhere without extreme frustration and apathy. The only reason I have 16 points in tailoring right now is due to getting cloth drops on an alt from ground spawn purple dirt, chests, etc. Drops have been non existant on the one character I should be getting them on. None of the other classes: Blacksmith, Engineer, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, Alchemy have these kind of ā€˜gatheringā€™ issues. Blizzard devs ā€“ please take note. Do some of your own statistics and check it out for yourself. If I can see this, and I see dozens of posts, rants and complaints all over the internet, here and on reddit and on wowhead, then thereā€™s an issue. Please fix it. Pretty please?

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Try a follower dungeon run and see what you get.

Guildie farms priory on follower mode. Try that.

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Thanks for the suggestions. will do!

Itā€™s a known issue within the community but Blizzard is purposefully ignoring us despite repeated posts on forums and social media. Itā€™s quite disgusting. They nerfed it because of farm groups and now itā€™s virtually impossible to level tailoring. No other profession canā€™t NOT farm their matsā€¦ only tailoring.


As others have said, follower dungeons are the way.

I maxed out the collection spec on my mage and now get an average of ~40 cloth and ~10 bolts for running something like The Rookery.

Which I dig, I like having a reason to continue to engage with follower dungeons.

Edit: This just works for weavercloth as far as I can tell.

I havenā€™t played my mage for a bit so Iā€™m not sure about getting dawn/duskweave - but Iā€™ve never seen either drop in follower dungeons


Been testing this for several days now. I farm primarily in follower dungeons with humanoids, which has good results for regular duskweave. I have the drop chance talent maxed out and in a couple hours I can get several hundred duskweave and a few hundred duskweave bolts of various qualities. In each session of an hour or two, I typically get less than 5 total duskweave (the only special cloth spec I have) - not enough to unravel even once, and regularly am getting ZERO when farming for a couple hours. Something is definitely off here.

The followerer dungeon did help a lot and now that I have points speced into gathering the weaver cloth maxed out I have been seeing bolts drop as well and dropping more frequently so that helps. Iā€™ll have to see what it does in a follower dungeon too. Thanks for the advice everyone.

How did you get them to drop anything? Iā€™ve done a lot of follower dungeons and havenā€™t got anything but gold and junk items.

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Pick one with lots of humanoids (priory is my favourite), donā€™t avoid the trash - pull all the packs you see along the way.

(specing into cloth drops likely helped a lot)

i believe this was stealth nerfed bcā€¦ppl such in this topic blab the secert lol

Is the plan to force people to rely on cloth farmers?

I think it was fixed. But I believe they made cloth actually worth something by not having it drop for nontailors. Previous xpacs it was worthless. Just think of enchanters, they can make mats no one else can. Seems fair. But the silent nerf they had for over a week was bs.

The kobolds on isle of dorn were dropping loads of cloth and bolts but they nerfed them from orbit and now drop nothing at all. I have since moved to the kobold city in ringing deeps but drop rates arenā€™t all that great even being specced into the more cloth from humanoids talent. So far it seems running priory of the sacred flame follower dungeon is the best way to get cloth.