Taeznak's 10.0 Frost Feedback

By your logic no class in the game is bad besides Fire Mage and Fury Warrior. A lot of the good specs are at 3100 plus now and almost 3200. I went through every spec and the only specs not at 2900 is MM Hunter (2855), Fire Mage (2754), Sub Rogue (2860), and Fury (2657). Every other DPS spec in the game is above 2900. Frost only has 2 real people above 2900 and only 15 people above 2500. And if we look at the 3s bracket, only 9 Frost DKS are above 2100.

In PvP you need to press Death Strike to survive. In the same patch Unholy had their buff Plaguebringer increased to 10 seconds too. These both are likely QoL changes along with general good PvP changes. But yes UF needs the increase too whenever they get to Frost soon.

I don’t think the current Ice dk is perfect, but it’s impractical to redesign the skill set, the only thing that can be done is a few minor tweaks, such as changing the breath cd to one minute. This won’t make the ice DKS in the raid too strong, but it will save the ice DKS in the dungeon.

Except they 100% can redesign the skill set, but that’s not the type of redesign that’s needed and no one said or implied it was. Some main issues Frost has right now is with the influx of resource generation with RP being useless outside of Breath and KM having too much of the spec’s damage profile in it, both of which can be solved without adding another ability.

Sorry that Frost isnt S+ tier, but no its not bad.

This makes a lot of sense lol. I now understand why everything you say about frost in PvE is so off base, poorly thought out, ridiculous, and outright wrong. Dungeon content is 1/3 of the game (and probably a much higher % of actual player time). As usual, you have no idea what you’re talking about. you haven’t even played your DK this season outside of leveling. you have 0 idea how it functions in any real scenario


You have no information to back up your point
 you are PvP level 25, your character has not played an arena this season, and you take the shroud of winter Frost PvP talent which is actually designed to be useless. Your opinion on whether it’s good or not in PvP is invalid. Frost is Bottoms C tier maybe low B with certain comps.

Blah blah blah. You guys think the mechanics change when you enter “hard” content for some reason.

You arent 2900 so your point doesnt matter.

You look so desperate right now and its hilarious. You do know that if you dont pick pvp talents the system will bug you until you do right? Yet you try to dig up some bs drama because you dont actually have a point. Another on ignore.

You are doing me a favor here, hoooly is it hard to read your posts. 0 credibility and all hostility to anyone who tries to give good feedback.

Frost does need serious help in the AOE department (if not using BoS or using BoS and on cooldown).

A few simple changes
 reduce BoS damage and increase Remorseless Winter damage dramatically. Increase howling blast damage dramatically (as my limited testing in frost shows HB doing horrible AOE damage compared to other classes) as HB must be weaved in with rime procs yet it does so little damage, even with avalanche.


I also LOVE the idea of glacial advance going off as part of using KM with obliterate as a baseline ability and the talent would just increase the damage of this or it just being a talent on it’s own.

I understand we still don’t have a good AOE RP spender, but at this point it would probably be too much of a redesign for Blizzard. I know we have glacial advance, but the damage needs to be ramped up dramatically since it basically doesn’t synergize with anything (like KM with obliterate causing rime and extending and increasing the damage of RW).


You arent 2900 so your point doesnt matter.

Dont like your logic being used against you or is it some arbitrary nonsense to try to jeep people from saying anything?

I’ve seen valuable input from 1600 players to 2800+ players.
What they have in common is they both participate in the same games content per discussion, just in different MMRs. The difference is that you don’t participate in said content at all.

I don’t go into raid topics telling others about their builds and talents without having experienced them. I don’t go into a Resto Shaman discussion demanding they’re fine without having played one.

Simply put, that’s what Frozenhawk was telling you.


I have a brain that can think for crying out loud. What do you guys do, just go in and just trial and error everything? Maybe thats your problem that you think everything has to be done YOUR way through trial and error. Do you not think before you do?

Yes you can talk about someone elses build without experiencing it. 90% of a spec is just common sense and synergy between talents. You arent going to take improved frost strike while running BoS are you? Pretty common sense thing or do you have to go try it out to see that the 2 dont fit together?

Like people bringing up plate armor
 it does nothing in terms of magic damage. So just because you have plate doesnt mean that you are going to be able to handle an Elemental Blast to the face.

Maybe you guys have to trial and error stuff, but some people dont.

I’m not saying you don’t think, but its undeniable that you refuse to learn from those with more experience.

What I am trying to say is you have a strong opinion on something related to PvP when you have never even stepped foot into the arena this season. Therefore, you have no credibility in anything PvP arena wise. I may be only 1900 in Solos but a lot of the information I get is from players who are 2400+. You do not need to be 2900 to know your spec is subpar to almost all other specs in the game
 If you are so knowledgeable, what specs are worse than Frost in PvP?

The perfect example of what Kelli is doing.

You have to know how other classes work to know how good different talents are into certain comps. You get this from seeing them in PvP, which you have not done at all.

First of all, why people still respond to Kelliste? At this point I think he or she only pays the sub to argue for the sake of it on the forums.

Now going back to the topic, I’m not a experienced DK player (less than 2 days of play on this char) but this season I wanted to give it a try on pvp. Reached 2.4k on UH and I’m currently at 2.2k on frost(on rss)

While I think frost is not unplayable, I think is very far behind Unholy design wise. Only having damage every 45-60sec doesn’t feel good when almost every meele have a disarm/cc for your only way of doing damage. Maybe getting more KM procs outside of pillar? or MOTFW applying razorice so we can get more dmg on froststrike, cold blooded rage proccing from baseline froststrike but with less % instead of the crit actual version(which feels pretty useless). People who says that losing razorice is a trade from going 2H instead of DW doesn’t get that without that increased dmg on Obliterate we don’t do enough pressure to kill, we dont have a MS effect like unholy.


This is basically Frosts biggest issue in PvP. Unholy can at least do decent damage while disarmed with Death Coil and their pets/dots. Unholy can also kite melee burst better and not lose damage if they are not in melee range.

I usually disengage when I can, because Frost only do pressure every 45sec pretty much, sometimes work sometimes my team just die. While playing Unholy i can disengage and still do a ton of pressure, but that’s how spec identity work I’m not against that.

However, since frost have to stay in meele more than UH, why Unholy have better passive healing and dmg reductions than frost? It’s hilarious how frost doesn’t have anything unique of the spec to let them stay on meele more than Unholy while they need it more. So, you have a spec that is only good doing setup go’s, because no dmg outside of pillar, and it is worst staying at meele than the rot spec. It’s a shame because I like more the esthetics of frost but it need some changes more than tunning.


Because he responds numbers and math and explains his stance and why it is the way it is.

Everyone else responds with “well I feel”. Feelings and opinions don’t change numbers or synergy.

I wanna do this because I feel like this is how it should play.

Then when Kel responds with “you can’t without thinking if these ramifications for such actions” everyone turns around and looks at his progress for a personal attack because
.they can’t actually argue the matter at hand because they only have feelings whereas Kel is using the class and talent designs as the basis of his argument.

I haven’t seen anyone argue back against Kel with numbers yet. It’s strictly been feelings, where Kel argues with numbers.

Not the most pleasant person on the forums, but knowledgeable and about 95% correct

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