Taeznak's 10.0 Frost Feedback

Obliteration - I feel like changing Obliteration to make Obliterate always do pure Frost damage as a passive in addition to letting us stack up 2-3 Killing Machines would go a long way in helping the entire kit and removing the overly punishing play if you’re off by a few milliseconds or get popped with some kind of mechanic right as you pop Pillar. Also, its just stupid to see Obliterate hit for 15k damage and then see it crit for 120k with a couple procs + Pillar. Thats just an asinine difference in damage. 15k non crit damage is absolutely pathetic for a 2 rune ability. Like, why am I even pressing this without KM procced? Feels really bad. Clawing Shadows does more damage than a non KM Obliterate and it only costs 1 rune, pops a wound for an extra ~50% damage and can be used at range.

BoS - I think changing BoS into a RP dump 1 cast cleave with multiple charges that do more damage based on how much RP they use would get rid of the obnoxious requirement for you to be semi-omnipotent to use it to its potential. Would also go a long way in M+ so it could do good damage without chain pulling. Its current iteration of sustained damage is more up Unholy’s alley. Frost has always been the bursty spec.

Remorseless Winter - RW should apply Razorice. 18% Frost damage is too important behind a Runeforge or Avalanche procs. The entire spec is balanced with the idea that you’ll have that up 100% of the time. 2H can get screwed and have stacks fall off and then you’re sitting there wailing away for a minute before the stacks are back up. This would also help our dogwater AoE damage from our rotational abilities and alleviate some of our ramp up. Frost is bursty. Its all about damage now.

Glacial Advance - This should be fired off automatically with KM Obliterates.

Frostwyrms Fury - Straight up, this does pathetic damage for a 3 min CD ability. It should be 1min baseline with the Absolute Zero talent taking it down to 45 seconds.

Soul Reaper - Honestly this talent needs a complete redesign. It just doesn’t work with Frost’s kit whatsoever. Frost doesn’t synergize well with 1 rune abilities.