Tabard of Frost - Prime gaming

Top BC raiding guild…how do you know how I got it?

Blizzard said the best way to introduce these items fairly is by trading post. The tabard you are stressed about will be on the post…

…as will Time Lost Protodrake.

The game is muddling. It’s ok. It happens in games 2-3 years old. This game OLD and what you are feeling is fair.

Also, I pay $98 a year for Prime. It’s a great deal.

See you in game.

Making a point so things change?

Okay, but…

Someone just gave you yours anyway?


First off we don’t care about your 16 years old achievements, if they are even real, second off you literally told us it came from a friend lmao, you didn’t earn that at all xD

And it won’t! Your post is useless, this ship has sailed almost a year ago when 98% of the playerbase was happy about it and 2% were crying like you on the forums hoping for a change, but of course since it’s just 2% who cares and it stayed that way :smiley: Can’t wait to get more rewards every month <3

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From being a top raider in BC, yes . Thanks. Kind of like the black market auction house but you had to make connections and be good in game with gold

Happy for you! Now can you stop being selfish ?

no you cant, people in LFR kick you if you lag behind the group, let alone afk.

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Yes, from a friend…from things I did in game. A reward…from a…friend

So you didn’t earn it, you got lucky, but we shouldn’t have it cause you’re entitled, got it.

Just did it…full epics…was fun. Spammed one key sometimes

Wow, that is so many shades of wrong.

Think they will do the Tyrael’s Charger next? I always wanted it and since Blizzard seems determined to destroy all integrity in the game anyway, I would like to put that mount on the table.

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Being an endgame raider in BC and doing great things. Not getting lucky? People didn’t log in and get traded a TCG item? Think about that statement

So you’re a part of the toxic community in-game, then proceeding to get mad cause this game no longer is an MMO when you don’t even know what that means?

If you do nothing in an LFR and say that it’s an issue, that’s on you my guy. Maybe you “achieved great things in endgame BC raids” As you seem to spam everywhere as if people cared, but clearly if you’re out here doing LFR you aren’t anymore. And looking at this rogue I get my answer.

Alt…yes…don’t play anymore like I used to…what is your point

Oh no, someone else has pixels. What a travesty!


That you’re full of sh*t only crying to cry.

Nothing here is to make a point, you’re entitled and selfish.

More about gear balancing and looting but ok

You literally are crying about cosmetic, you can’t say this lmao

Jesus, kids still complaining about their pixels no longer being special.

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