Tab: Target Nearest Enemy

Would it be possible to get a targeting option that will always target your nearest enemy in front of you?

The current option of Target Nearest Enemy only lives up to its name on the first use, after which it begins to cycle through your enemies. Maybe this option could be renamed to more accurately describe its function? Something along the lines of Cycle Enemy Near to Far would seem fitting.

Then we could have a true Target Nearest Enemy that would always target your nearest enemy without the cycling through enemies.


You sure it’s not “target furthest out of combat enemy”?


This stupid thing is infuriating in Torghast due to the Jars


They havent been able to get this right forever, I dont expect them to figure it out now.


Funny story about this. Last night I was a bit, well, imbibed, and rolled a new panda priest on the turtle zone.

I got to the third quest where you have to fight 6 trainees in the temple and as I got the first one to 30% or so pulled in a second with my dot. Thinking I would switch back to the 1st by tab I accidentally pulled in a 3rd. Ok I think, I can handle 3, only to pull in a 4th and then a 5th. Now these guys were all yellow mobs. Why was tab pulling yellow mobs when I had 4 reds punching me in the face?

TLDR - Don’t drink and tab target kids. You’ll end up dying in the panda starting zone like a sad, sad idiot.


So much this!!!.. super annoying to try to put a dot on another target… but have to tab through 6 jars :confused:


There seems to be a dead zone, if you are too close it skips and goes to a far target.

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My issue isn’t so much with tab targeting but how freaking large are mob target circles. I tab target because I’m unable to click a far away target at times to pull as other mobs in my face have these huge circles obstructing my clicks.

I’ve had this issue and it makes me angry sometimes, if something is hostile to you and currently attacking, the tab targeting should auto focus hostile things first.


FFXIV has so many options for this. You can set it to target everything (like WOW right now). You can set it to only target red (hostile) enemies, ignoring non-hostile enemies. You can set it to only target things you are actively in combat with. You can even set it to automatically change in different situations.


I feel like tab targeting used to work fine then they tried to make it smarter and it never worked right again.

Sometimes my active target will change without even pressing tab it’s maddening.

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This, or neutral.

There was a point in Cataclysm where group content like dungeons and raids were literally impossible because of this. It was totally impossible to tank, because your target would always switch to the nearest dead thing when you hit something, it would put your taunt or ability on cooldown even though nothing happened.

The main tank in my guild at the time eventually found a workaround…you had to macro every single ability to /focus current target and then /cast whatever on focus. It took Blizzard 2 months to fix it. We mostly just quit playing for those two months.

Then there was the time in MOP when ALL flight paths stopped working. When you landed you were ported back to where you started. Blizzard’s “workaround” was “you have a flying mount, use it”. Again, over a month to fix (maybe 2 months, I don’t remember exactly). I stopped playing during that time.

Targetting isn’t the worst it’s ever been for sure, but it’s incredibly annoying especially in Torghast when it targets the jars. And if you have any sort of helper pet (like the beasts from the event) it is almost impossible to actually click on something to manually target it. Fun.

I’d like tab to target the nearest thing that spilled ale. It’s a slap in the beard when that happens…hic!

Well at least drunken brawling Panda fits the theme.

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/cast Spellnamehere

huh…actually a macro just for targeting might work so you could then use tab targeting when you wanted…I need to try that too.



But but… tab targeting something out of my field of vision is how the feature was intended to work. It make the game more challenging. (lol)



the wife is always banging her keyboard over targeting problems. “BUT I DIDNT TARGET THAT” :laughing:

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The best is when you can’t tab target a mob behind a pillar but you can manually target it and cast on it.

This is /thread.


This achieves the requested function. I don’t know why you have to make a macro for it, why it isn’t in the default keybinds, but there it is. I use it myself with a few spells that I always want to use on the closest target, and it works like a charm.

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