Yeah I began my WoW journey after I graduated from college and was unemployed and didn’t have anything to do in my spare time so I picked the game up when WoD Launched. There is no introduction or instruction for a new player to find mythic + or ranked pvp the high echelon levels so I never knew about it until the tail end of legion lmao now that I work full time and have a life I don’t have time for dailies that amount to very little. The lack of customization and power progression in this game has gone downhill so has my honeymoon phase of first getting into WoW. I am more realistic and see pain points all around that easily can be resolved but the business teams building this average Cheesecake Factory theme park of a game certainly isn’t trying to reward us as real players nor are they tryin to encourage us to feel more personalization to our characters. A flop. One big pile of Ogre dung.
Yeah, I’m one of them. You’re positing this disingenuous argument that any system put forth is required to be an infinite 18 hour a day grind when it doesn’t have to be.
point >>>
In Second Life if you are a Prime member you get housing automatically. Or you can buy your own zone and build what ever you want. You can make things yourself or buy them from other players.
Another option, you can go to an area that rents “sky boxes”, and rent a place to live. You can shop either online “Second Life Market Place” or “In world” for furniture, decorations, etc.
What I did long ago was to buy a 512 sq meter plot where I placed a house up several thousand meters. If you do that, what you do with that land is your choice and what you work out with other players.
Linden Labs (people who run Second Life) hardly get involved at all.
You do realize this is normal for MMOs right?
You hit max level and your options are: Dungeons, Raids, PvP
Its pretty much a fact that some players CAN play long days. I get that blizzard either has to cater to them or gate the content even more to keep them from consuming it in a month. But they do need to understand that casual players with lives and responsibilities would like to have some nice crap too.
Personally I made my money here at home anyway. I can ‘work’ while playing and often do. If I had to work 40+ hours a week at a job, then have kids to take to ball practice, etc, yeah…Im not going to be able to put in the time required for that cool stuff like someone who CANT play the game a double shift every day.
You cant mention this in here or they get offended because we just cant accept that not everyone has the same life to live.
Blizzard needs to at the very least open up some of this stuff after its old content and let players earn it…or at least keep working for it since they didnt have the time when i it was live.
and this is why i and many others love wrath classic right now.
No, I think maybe you are the one not quite getting it. You know it isn’t just some binary choice between no systems and an 18 hour a day grind, right? There is lots of room between those extremes to come up with something.
Are you sure that it will be profitable to do that, spending months of boring grinding and pointless quests only to find that the people who want the gear have no intention of making all that time worthwhile?
How many solid months are you planning on grinding full-time to master part of crafting, and how much real money are you planning on spending to reach that point?
To me it sounds like Legion crafting on steroids. How many characters did you put through that?
Professions are going to be awesome IMO. I am hyped.
Having to travel every time you want to make something is going to get old fast. Everything timegated will get old fast. Having to raid on every alt you want to make gear for, having to hope that the person who wants the best gear crafting can make isn’t a cheapskate who thinks tips are optional.
Yeah, sure.
I am okay with slower progression for professions as long as it is deterministic. RNG is what has killed a lot of players hype when confronted with Legion, BFA and systemlands.
Systemlands could have been saved if they brought in and improved gear vendors day 1.