System whiners got their wish

I like Old Republic’s better. All instanced, buy it from a board, always yours. Open world plot housing is a horrible system.

I’ve heard it thrown around that they could just finish what hey started with the Garrison (as it was supposed to be way more customizable with a ton of assets they ended up just tossing out) like that. I would still much rather it be like ESO where they have designated houses out in the world that let you phase into to customize to your hearts content.

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I still need to try that game out.

Yeah that does sound better than FF14’s Housing system lol.

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. FF14 uses a lottery system now where people just drop the money on a plot and a few days later, a random person is chosen as the winner between the various people!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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It’s actually pretty fun. And good storylines. Decorating strongholds can get addictive too. lol

Professions are the borrowed power of DF

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Good. Then I can go work on alts. How the game was before endless grind type systems.


Trying to design a WoW where you can’t run out of content no matter what you do is probably the single worst design change Blizzard have ever made.


Lol systems are why people don’t play alts. It’s good blizz is doing away with redundant roadblocks.

Like if you want an alt today. You need to get 2 legendary items, grind renown back up to 80, farm the legendary powers from older content which no one is actually doing. Such a huge barrier to playing alts



If there isn’t enough FUN GAMEPLAY to hold our attention, then we can go and do something else.

Grinding and grinding because you have to to keep up on AP grinding is a ridiculously stupid anti-fun game design. It’s OK for there to be a pause point where you have everything you need, take a break, and come back when there is more.

This is how it was for all expansions up to legion, and plenty of people kept playing the whole way through each expansion. People enjoy playing alts, people enjoy other games, heck, people enjoy just taking a break. Subjugating people into endless grind mechanics is not good.


Those are what most people have done in shadowlands by choice. I’d say the majority only touched torghast because they had to for legendaries. Hell, I quite like torghast but even I’ve not spent that much time there. I’ve not even reached the bottom row of a box of many things on any of my characters.

I am a casual player. I’m not upset about not having menial crap to manage. In legion I was happy when I completed all the nodes on an artifact weapon. I was not happy when 7.3 added the netherlight crucible on top of it. In BFA I was settled on azerite armor. I was not stoked to then have to start collecting essences in 8.2 or managing corrupted gear in 8.3 (I cleansed all that nonsense).


Sounds great. That means I can level an alt and gear it without having to add the additional timesink of borrowed power grinding. So I can conceivably get to the point of “what do I want to play today” and it being just that simple.


Good, this is how progress in fixing the game is made, the issuse need to be addressed.
AP was a horrible grind and a aweful end game that kept you doing content not becuase the content was good but because you felt obligated to do it.

Look at wraths end game loop, you have dozens of activities you can do, not because you are obligated but because you want to do them. Modern wow does not have that because it leaned on the crutch of “Muh AP system” and M+.

This is how things get fixed, by pointing out and seeing how bad the issue is.


i dont think people complained about systems being in the game i think they where complaining about the horrible features in the system.
for example, covenants got " pull the rip cord " or Anima grind complaints but the covenants themselves didnt get wide spread complaints.

torghast in a similar light felt mandatory and exceptionally long. wide majority didnt find torghast itself being the problem but key features being a drag for it.

HoA felt fun but the key features like the gear aquisition not being targetable or the leveling up your heart to unlock powers people complained about.

i think there should be a discussion on the response blizzard has on systems and adjustments coming in a quick manner. instead it seems they are taking the safest route of nothing.


More less yes, people dont want endless grind and obligated system.
People dont want to have to log in and do their chore because they HAVE to, to be viable.

Take Wrath classic for example, out side of one rep, none of the others are mandatory to grind out. Everything you do, is because you want to do it, and you can progress and a nice linier pace. You log in, do the heroics you need to for gear, once you get your gear at that point you do the ones you want and thats it. You are not randomly being thrown into dungeons like M+ that you dont need or even want. You dont have to grind out your weekly BS aside from Hodir which is a once and done.

All of the daily activities in wrath are totally optional and thats what makes them good.


valid point.
a system should get you excited to log in, at the same time; (<-- did i use this right? ) the system shouldnt make you feel forced to log in.

Like a great example of a “system” that was very fun and not required.

  • war fronts, great little side thing to do for some decent gear.
  • Island expeditions, if they were what they originally sold us
  • Sun Song ranch and planting your crops
  • Garrison activities, not the required stuff, but the optimal things.
  • cooking, fishing, and really any prof dailies where a great way to get you logged in, doing something you wanted to do, you could just grab the pattern you wanted and never do them again, or grind for all of it.

allot of those systems had gripes tho.
warfronts felt only winable. could have used a pvp aspect. felt long and un" zergable "
islands, like you said… went live weirdly mandatory.
Half-hill farm was no doubt very enjoyable, did tank the economy. should have been soulbound
Garrison activities and chores equally fun but equally tedious. where the halfhill had plows and items that made the chores easier… garrisons didnt. forexample a mass collection on all of the boxes you had to grab.

this ones half and half with me.
MoP had a huge issue with the dailies being mandatory to unlock the best food which wasnt sold on the auctionhouse. they fixed it later on though with the noodle cart.

all these gripes i listed where never truly fixed in a timely manner. the company reaction time was horrible to fix a situation.
nothing hurts more then hearing " we will fix it next patch " but next patch is 5 months away…

Just tossing this in for the people who was talking about player housing.

XIV also included a Island Sanctuary, which taking a step back and just looking at it from the top down, functions very much like Garrisons, being a pre-defined little area with minor customization, and some activities to keep you interested if you want. All instanced. If the game didn’t have housing, I would bet you could have dropped furniture and the like on the island.

WoW already has the tech for predefined base locations, they would just need to update it and make it sustainable by adding new things that can be gotten to customize your little instance and boom. You’d have some form of content that will keep people subbed for away, way longer than they have any real need to be.

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Honestly the fact that blizzard has NOT given us actual player housing is IMO one of the biggest indications that they are so disconnected from the community.

Its been one of the most requested features of the game since classic, they have shown that they have the ability to do it via garrisons, almost every other MMO has proven that its possible and done it. In fact you have total 3rd parties that run private wow servers that have implemented ways to completely place whatever where ever you want however you want and phase it all.

Player housing would be THE best evergreen content they could ever add, that would give players something to do for every single expantion ever. I would make every single resource in the game, from classic to DF, viable and important. Copper, iron, feliron, every single dust from every single expansion, every gem EVERYTHING could be made viable with player housing added. For some reason blizzard just refuses to do it.

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