System flags

I mean you also have to understand that more than one of them is over on Twitter literally trashing you and me and everybody else on this form they don’t like. That is very peculiar behavior but that’s the way they behave

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I’ve only ever had one btag friend that I regretted adding.

Some blood elf rogue was spamming sap on me while I was questing in Legion and then he sent a friend request. I accepted and we talled for a bit. One day he begged me to heal arenas despite by objections (I’m not a pvper and not a great healer).

After 3 losses he just started spamming that I should whoops myself until I reported him and removed him.

Never heard from him again.

News to me that someone’s trashing me literally; I don’t use Twitter, have some major disagreements over its policies so I’m just not touching it. Have they called me out by name?

If you mean Bari, you should probably know that literally no group wants him involved with them cuz pretty sure he just hates everybody


Probably not you personally yet you don’t seem to be on there list yet lol. If you make it there then rest assured that’s what will happen

Yes you are, you do it all the time.


Like I said you really need to go back down and read this thread because there’s details in there well there were details in there before I’ve noticed they’ve started flag bombing me already on post they don’t like so they may have gotten them deleted already. They don’t like being well they don’t like having their behavior pointed out so that’s why they start flag bombing too

Thank you for your services to this community.

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Probably one that’s been greyed out or erased or locked. Log onto your characters and figure it out.

Feels like that scene in the bath house in pirates of the Caribbean.

“Drop your weapons or I kill your man!” (in reference to the spy in the bath house)

confused looks

“Kill him, he’s not our man”

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You’ll have to fully 100% buy into their delusion to be accepted.

The fact a group of people meet together somewhere else just to gang up on others or discuss “discussions” in HERE is absolutely hilarious. They have to have no life whatsoever.


Can I go to one of the meetings?

Sounds cool to be a shadow government thing


I think that’s an actual thing in parliamentary governments.

I don’t think it’s cool. Its pretty sad that people have to go elsewhere to talk about this stuff because they would probably be reported for whatever they have to say behind others backs.

Part of the ship, part of the crew!

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lol IKR? They’re extremely rude to people too and bait people to flags. Hypocritical bunch.


… I got a jar of dirt?

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What’s even funnier is we have punch, pie, brownies, and cookies. We also summon the elements and play Bingo… using only characters named Bingo.

The part the conspiracy theorists leave out is that their posts were removed for violating the forum rules. No cult or cabal has the power to thanos a post.


Yea but what if they all sit around a cool table with like a skull and cryptic words carved into it and the rooms all illuminated by candles as they’re all in black hooded robes

And then its all like

“Uulla Mah Kae Eet Uulla Mah Kae Eet Uulla Mah Kae Eet”

“Alright, that one mage is that one thread is a wiener and we need to report him”