System flags

either you dont know what theyre asking for…or youre being dishonest. Which is it?

They want your btag showing PUBLICLY in here…so they have it so THEY can ‘hold you accountable’…their words.

You cant block them so THEY cant see YOUR posts…you know that much or you havent been here long.
So blocking THEM doesnt keep THEM from seeing YOUR posts…which they flag bomb to harass you…as theyve done me so many times Ive lost count. Post after post flagged, restored…flagged and restored until the poor moderator just deletes to get them off their back…or deletes entire threads like THIS one will be soon enough.

They dont like your post? Flag bombed until its gone, wont matter if there is a violation…some of us know this all too well given we’ve been their target quite a lot at this point

Now…if you are just sealioning me, friend, youre next to be ignored…so lets keep this above board…

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That is the issue! It literally benefits you!

But if you block each of these people you will never have to put up with them again

What will they do with your Btag? Send you a request? Decline it! I can assure you, the people asking for btag have no interest in stalking you. They just come here for entertainment and will poke/snark anything that moves.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m sure the first thing people would do if btags happened would be to block the people who drop a single inflammatory thread before disappearing while it blows up, taking angry posters with it.

I really doubt you get report bombed by the same people constantly with no action taken against them.

It’s much more likely that more people than you think just don’t find your posts acceptable for some reason or another.


You just admitted to that you use the same name on multiple venues, especially on the these forums? That is a big no no security wise. I learned that the hard way…


I don’t think anyone here has touched on this…

Forum posts can take about 3-5 flags before being hidden, then after that, you can’t report it anymore. And all that does is alert the mods to look into it.

More of a flag pop snapper to a flag bomb…

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Discussing discipline on the forums does break ToS. Just be careful.

I won’t say it’s all of them, but most of the hidden posts I see around here are reported for very obvious reasons.

When people start threatening, dropping slurs or just very obviously trolling you can’t really act surprised when they get smacked.


I know that, but some here do have a point that they use the flag option as a down vote on a topic they don’t like. It’s unfortunate, but it can’t be helped.

I posted this earlier.

And some here are quite pushing the hysteria.

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He knows that’s not true .

Ard is from the school of “If the facts don’t support your agenda then perpetuate the lie”

IMHO Ard couldn’t be honest if his life depended on it

If they are breaking rules they typically quote what was said that broke the rules.

Other than that if enough people report you they will flag it with out telling you what rule you broke.

You can literally say, “blue clouds are beautiful” and if enough trolls report you they will flag it.


No Btags are your everything Blizzard id from their games to their forums (except WoW forums).

They are not made specifically as an all around id for the game World of Warcraft.

They are the in game ids for games like Starcraft , Diablo(all versions ) , Overwatch , Hearthstone, Heroes of the storm and all of their respective Forums as well as the actual Blizzard forums .

Why do people like you continue to spread lies ? Do you or others like you not have at least 1 honest bone in your bodies ?


Myth. Hate to tell you kid… your buddies could be the ones doing it to you just to watch you go off on your tirade of unproveable accusations.

And the proof of moderator actions and whys is… where exactly? Or is this another one of your nonsense conspiracy theories that you make up so that you can avoid accountability for your own actions on the forums. Actions that resulted in your posts being flagged and removed for violating the forums rules.

Zero actual proof this has occurred, just nonsense conspiracy theory myths. If you actually made sense… you might have a future as a fantasy writer, kid.

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I do not enjoy it any time that character posts.

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here they go again… why mute the thread is you are going to continue to post in it.


And if pigs could fly, bacon would be poultry.

So much paranoia. What a sad way to go through life.


Anyways, if they did add BattleTags underneath the name, I think it could be 1 of 3 options:

Option 1: Having the full BattleTag

Option 2: Only partially showing the BattleTag Code

Option 3: Only showing the BattleTag name without the code


Kinda wild this thread still exists


Nice mockup! This is exactly what I’ve been thinking as well as it satisfies both the issue of individual character detail as well as needing btags on the forum to deal with ignore evaders and trolls.


That better not be your actual btag.

You might accidentally make friends!


Nah, that is Blizzard’s BattleTag. I don’t actually own it :joy:

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